I’ve recently bought an Astra 2 that I want to mount in a test bench I’m using. Unfortunately, its datasheet (https://d1cd332k3pgc17.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/ORBBEC_Datasheet_Astra-2_V1.1.pdf) seems outdated, because it says that the screwholes at the back are M3, but M3 screws do not fit into it. Before ordering new screws, I would like to know what exact screws I need (I’m guessing M2.5 at a glance, maybe M2). Any help is much appreciated.
P.S: I actually have a smaller screw that fits into it, so I know M3 isn’t the correct spec, but 1) it’s not long enough for my use, and 2) I don’t know their actual diameter.