Error when using Femto Mega with azure kinect ros driver

I am trying to use Femto Mega with azure kinect ros driver for body tracking in ros. My azure_kinect_ros_driver worked well with my old Azure Kinect camera. Now I change to Femto Mega. I followed the steps on Access AKDK Application Software with Femto Bolt.pdf and youtube video Orbbec Femto Mega/Bolt with Azure Kinect ROS Driver, now k4aviewer, k4arecord, k4abt_simple_3d_viewer works well on my computer(ubuntu 20.04, ros1 noetic), but when I launched the azure kinect ros driver:

roslaunch azure_kinect_ros_driver driver.launch

I got error like this:

[11/19 11:48:35.087547][warning][30555][ObException.cpp:5] Invalid input, No matched video stream profile found!
[2024-11-19 11:48:35.087] [error] [t=30555] /home/robotics/yxj/OrbbecSDK-K4A-Wrapper/src/orbbec/ob_type_helper.cpp (21): check_ob_error(). Inner Orbbec SDK error: Invalid input, No matched video stream profile found!, function: ob_stream_profile_list_get_video_stream_profile, exception: 3
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'k4a::error'
  what():  Failed to start cameras!
[azure_kinect_ros_driver-4] process has died [pid 30555, exit code -6, cmd /home/robotics/yxj/orbbec_ws/devel/lib/azure_kinect_ros_driver/node __name:=azure_kinect_ros_driver __log:=/home/robotics/.ros/log/253d55c8-a629-11ef-a417-7784611bdc84/azure_kinect_ros_driver-4.log].
log file: /home/robotics/.ros/log/253d55c8-a629-11ef-a417-7784611bdc84/azure_kinect_ros_driver-4*.log

The complete output is

[11/19 11:48:33.101397][info][30555][DeviceManager.cpp:15] Current found device(s): (1)
[11/19 11:48:33.101417][info][30555][DeviceManager.cpp:24] 	- Name: Femto Mega, PID: 0x0669, SN/ID: CL3N241006C, Connection: USB3.2
[11/19 11:48:33.101631][info][30555][Context.cpp:84] Context destroyed
[ INFO] [1731988113.101702827]: Found 1 sensors
[ INFO] [1731988113.101736039]: No serial number provided: picking first sensor
[11/19 11:48:33.102057][info][30555][Context.cpp:68] Context created with config: default config!
[11/19 11:48:33.102111][info][30555][Context.cpp:73] Work directory=/home/robotics/.ros, SDK version=v1.10.11-20240724-aeaa107
[11/19 11:48:33.102177][info][30555][LinuxPal.cpp:32] createObPal: create LinuxPal!
[11/19 11:48:33.104559][info][30555][LinuxPal.cpp:143] Create PollingDeviceWatcher!
[11/19 11:48:33.105401][info][30555][DeviceManager.cpp:15] Current found device(s): (1)
[11/19 11:48:33.105415][info][30555][DeviceManager.cpp:24] 	- Name: Femto Mega, PID: 0x0669, SN/ID: CL3N241006C, Connection: USB3.2
[ INFO] [1731988113.105529777]: K4A[0] : CL3N241006C
[ INFO] [1731988113.105577696]: K4A Serial Number: CL3N241006C
[11/19 11:48:33.736357][info][30555][AbstractDevice.cpp:121] 	- Firmware version: 1.2.7
[11/19 11:48:34.350566][info][30555][FemtoMegaUvcDevice.cpp:49] FemtoMega UVC device created! PID: 0x0669, SN: CL3N241006C
[11/19 11:48:34.350626][info][30555][DeviceManager.cpp:150] Device created successfully! Name: Femto Mega, PID: 0x0669, SN/ID: CL3N241006C
[11/19 11:48:34.350723][info][30555][Pipeline.cpp:47] Pipeline created with device: {name: Femto Mega, sn: CL3N241006C}, @0x5583377E06C0
[11/19 11:48:34.360974][info][30555][Pipeline.cpp:708] config is nullptr,return default calibration param!
[ INFO] [1731988114.362213020]: RGB Version: 0.0.0
[ INFO] [1731988114.362245501]: Depth Version: 1.2.7
[ INFO] [1731988114.362256912]: Audio Version: 0.0.0
[ INFO] [1731988114.362267662]: Depth Sensor Version: 0.0.0
[ INFO] [1731988114.472636684]: Setting wired sync mode: 0
[ INFO] [1731988114.472670487]: Setting subordinate delay: 0
[ INFO] [1731988114.472681979]: Setting RGB Camera Format: bgra
[ INFO] [1731988114.472693330]: Setting RGB Camera Resolution: 1536P
[ INFO] [1731988114.472716323]: Setting Depth Camera Mode: WFOV_UNBINNED
[ INFO] [1731988114.472727213]: Setting Camera FPS: 5
[ INFO] [1731988114.472738584]: Using default IMU rate. Setting to maximum: 1600 Hz.
[ INFO] [1731988114.472762028]: Setting Target IMU rate to 1600 (desired: 1600)
[ INFO] [1731988115.057473768]: K4A Calibration Blob:
[ INFO] [1731988115.057558857]: 	 Depth:
[ INFO] [1731988115.057579135]: 		 Extrinsics:
[ INFO] [1731988115.057618208]: 			 Translation: 0, 0, 0
[ INFO] [1731988115.057638546]: 			 Rotation[0]: 1, 0, 0
[ INFO] [1731988115.057656419]: 			 Rotation[1]: 0, 1, 0
[ INFO] [1731988115.057677108]: 			 Rotation[2]: 0, 0, 1
[ INFO] [1731988115.057718135]: 		 Resolution:
[ INFO] [1731988115.057755304]: 			 Width: 1024
[ INFO] [1731988115.057773979]: 			 Height: 1024
[ INFO] [1731988115.057789899]: 		 Intrinsics:
[ INFO] [1731988115.057814485]: 			 Model Type: 3
[ INFO] [1731988115.057830034]: 			 Parameter Count: 14
[ INFO] [1731988115.057848318]: 			 cx: 534.506
[ INFO] [1731988115.057869598]: 			 cy: 511.356
[ INFO] [1731988115.057892160]: 			 fx: 504.814
[ INFO] [1731988115.057908140]: 			 fy: 504.746
[ INFO] [1731988115.057930391]: 			 k1: 17.9933
[ INFO] [1731988115.057946922]: 			 k2: 9.93407
[ INFO] [1731988115.057959516]: 			 k3: 0.411343
[ INFO] [1731988115.057974033]: 			 k4: 18.3017
[ INFO] [1731988115.057986486]: 			 k5: 16.0437
[ INFO] [1731988115.057999901]: 			 k6: 2.42271
[ INFO] [1731988115.058011823]: 			 codx: 0
[ INFO] [1731988115.058023575]: 			 cody: 0
[ INFO] [1731988115.058037872]: 			 p2: 3.62828e-05
[ INFO] [1731988115.058054213]: 			 p1: 7.85055e-05
[ INFO] [1731988115.058070423]: 			 metric_radius: 0
[ INFO] [1731988115.058085381]: 	 Color:
[ INFO] [1731988115.058095911]: 		 Extrinsics:
[ INFO] [1731988115.058110718]: 			 Translation: -32.6846, -1.22389, 2.14811
[ INFO] [1731988115.058131177]: 			 Rotation[0]: 0.994408, 0.000489969, -0.00108609
[ INFO] [1731988115.058149190]: 			 Rotation[1]: -0.000372532, 0.994408, 0.105606
[ INFO] [1731988115.058163206]: 			 Rotation[2]: 0.00113176, -0.105605, 0.994407
[ INFO] [1731988115.058172363]: 		 Resolution:
[ INFO] [1731988115.058180268]: 			 Width: 2048
[ INFO] [1731988115.058188073]: 			 Height: 1536
[ INFO] [1731988115.058198112]: 		 Intrinsics:
[ INFO] [1731988115.058205616]: 			 Model Type: 3
[ INFO] [1731988115.058213580]: 			 Parameter Count: 14
[ INFO] [1731988115.058222908]: 			 cx: 1022.22
[ INFO] [1731988115.058231133]: 			 cy: 743.494
[ INFO] [1731988115.058238928]: 			 fx: 1197.43
[ INFO] [1731988115.058248305]: 			 fy: 1197.68
[ INFO] [1731988115.058256511]: 			 k1: 0.0770542
[ INFO] [1731988115.058264896]: 			 k2: -0.103488
[ INFO] [1731988115.058274023]: 			 k3: 0.0415269
[ INFO] [1731988115.058282339]: 			 k4: 0
[ INFO] [1731988115.058290364]: 			 k5: 0
[ INFO] [1731988115.058300623]: 			 k6: 0
[ INFO] [1731988115.058312345]: 			 codx: 0
[ INFO] [1731988115.058320340]: 			 cody: 0
[ INFO] [1731988115.058329567]: 			 p2: -4.24588e-05
[ INFO] [1731988115.058337863]: 			 p1: -0.000200148
[ INFO] [1731988115.058347170]: 			 metric_radius: 1.23314e-43
[ INFO] [1731988115.058356187]: 	 IMU (Depth to Color):
[ INFO] [1731988115.058363461]: 		 Extrinsics:
[ INFO] [1731988115.058372497]: 			 Translation: -32.6846, -1.22389, 2.14811
[ INFO] [1731988115.058383658]: 			 Rotation[0]: 0.994408, 0.000489969, -0.00108609
[ INFO] [1731988115.058392575]: 			 Rotation[1]: -0.000372532, 0.994408, 0.105606
[ INFO] [1731988115.058403215]: 			 Rotation[2]: 0.00113176, -0.105605, 0.994407
[ INFO] [1731988115.058411751]: 	 IMU (Depth to IMU):
[ INFO] [1731988115.058418814]: 		 Extrinsics:
[ INFO] [1731988115.058428061]: 			 Translation: 75.6126, -40.9004, 3.5286e-05
[ INFO] [1731988115.058438100]: 			 Rotation[0]: 2.67949e-08, 0.104528, -0.994522
[ INFO] [1731988115.058448019]: 			 Rotation[1]: -1, 2.80083e-09, -2.66481e-08
[ INFO] [1731988115.058457035]: 			 Rotation[2]: -5.55112e-17, 0.994522, 0.104528
[ INFO] [1731988115.058465381]: 	 IMU (IMU to Depth):
[ INFO] [1731988115.058473697]: 		 Extrinsics:
[ INFO] [1731988115.058482673]: 			 Translation: -40.9004, -7.90367, 75.1984
[ INFO] [1731988115.058491630]: 			 Rotation[0]: 2.67949e-08, -1, -5.55112e-17
[ INFO] [1731988115.058502691]: 			 Rotation[1]: 0.104528, 2.80083e-09, 0.994522
[ INFO] [1731988115.058512439]: 			 Rotation[2]: -0.994522, -2.66481e-08, 0.104528
[ INFO] [1731988115.058520113]: 	 IMU (Color to IMU):
[ INFO] [1731988115.058527126]: 		 Extrinsics:
[ INFO] [1731988115.058536444]: 			 Translation: 77.7964, -73.3993, 1.23846
[ INFO] [1731988115.058564777]: 			 Rotation[0]: 0.00113138, -0.00108365, -0.999999
[ INFO] [1731988115.058577270]: 			 Rotation[1]: -0.994408, 0.000372532, -0.00113179
[ INFO] [1731988115.058586988]: 			 Rotation[2]: 0.000373758, 0.999999, -0.00108323
[ INFO] [1731988115.058595534]: 	 IMU (IMU to Color):
[ INFO] [1731988115.058602878]: 		 Extrinsics:
[ INFO] [1731988115.058612756]: 			 Translation: -73.4418, -1.12675, 77.7143
[ INFO] [1731988115.058625460]: 			 Rotation[0]: 0.00113138, -0.994408, 0.000373758
[ INFO] [1731988115.058634597]: 			 Rotation[1]: -0.00108365, 0.000372532, 0.999999
[ INFO] [1731988115.058645267]: 			 Rotation[2]: -0.999999, -0.00113179, -0.00108323
[ INFO] [1731988115.059187060]: STARTING CAMERAS
[11/19 11:48:35.074671][info][30555][FemtoMegaUvcDevice.cpp:341] Depth sensor has been created!
[11/19 11:48:35.075039][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:384] Query stream profile! size= 14, SensorType=OB_SENSOR_DEPTH
[11/19 11:48:35.075092][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_DEPTH, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 640, height: 576, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.075105][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_DEPTH, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 320, height: 288, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.075117][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_DEPTH, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 320, height: 288, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.075127][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_DEPTH, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 320, height: 288, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.075138][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_DEPTH, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 320, height: 288, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.075149][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_DEPTH, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 512, height: 512, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.075162][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_DEPTH, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 512, height: 512, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.075174][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_DEPTH, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 512, height: 512, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.075187][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_DEPTH, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 512, height: 512, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.075199][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_DEPTH, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 640, height: 576, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.075209][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_DEPTH, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 640, height: 576, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.075219][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_DEPTH, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 640, height: 576, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.075248][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_DEPTH, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 1024, height: 1024, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.075265][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_DEPTH, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 1024, height: 1024, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.076295][info][30555][FemtoMegaUvcDevice.cpp:425] Ir sensor has been created!
[11/19 11:48:35.076613][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:384] Query stream profile! size= 16, SensorType=OB_SENSOR_IR
[11/19 11:48:35.076670][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_IR, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 640, height: 576, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.076687][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_IR, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 320, height: 288, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.076700][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_IR, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 320, height: 288, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.076712][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_IR, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 320, height: 288, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.076724][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_IR, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 320, height: 288, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.076735][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_IR, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 512, height: 512, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.076748][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_IR, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 512, height: 512, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.076758][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_IR, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 512, height: 512, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.076769][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_IR, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 512, height: 512, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.076780][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_IR, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 640, height: 576, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.076793][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_IR, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 640, height: 576, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.076850][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_IR, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 640, height: 576, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.076870][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_IR, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 1024, height: 1024, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.076881][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_IR, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 1024, height: 1024, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.076896][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_IR, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 1024, height: 1024, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.076908][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_IR, format: OB_FORMAT_Y16, width: 1024, height: 1024, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.078050][info][30555][FemtoMegaUvcDevice.cpp:383] Color sensor has been created!
[11/19 11:48:35.084762][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:384] Query stream profile! size= 108, SensorType=OB_SENSOR_COLOR
[11/19 11:48:35.084853][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_MJPG, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.084890][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_YUYV, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.084922][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_YUYV, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.084953][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_YUYV, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.084984][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_YUYV, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.085015][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_YUYV, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.085046][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_YUYV, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.085089][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_YUYV, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.085122][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_YUYV, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.085153][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_YUYV, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.085183][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_YUYV, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.085213][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_YUYV, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.085243][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_YUYV, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.085273][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_YUYV, width: 2560, height: 1440, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.085303][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_YUYV, width: 2560, height: 1440, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.085333][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_YUYV, width: 2560, height: 1440, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.085363][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_YUYV, width: 3840, height: 2160, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.085393][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_YUYV, width: 3840, height: 2160, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.085423][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_YUYV, width: 3840, height: 2160, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.085452][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_MJPG, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.085482][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_MJPG, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.085512][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_MJPG, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.085543][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_MJPG, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.085572][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_MJPG, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.085602][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_MJPG, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.085632][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_MJPG, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.085662][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_MJPG, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.085692][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_MJPG, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.085722][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_MJPG, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.085752][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_MJPG, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.085783][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_MJPG, width: 2560, height: 1440, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.085812][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_MJPG, width: 2560, height: 1440, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.085843][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_MJPG, width: 2560, height: 1440, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.085873][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_MJPG, width: 3840, height: 2160, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.085903][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_MJPG, width: 3840, height: 2160, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.085968][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_MJPG, width: 3840, height: 2160, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.085987][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H264, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.086006][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H264, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.086025][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H264, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.086043][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H264, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.086062][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H264, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.086082][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H264, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.086100][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H264, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.086120][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H264, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.086138][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H264, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.086156][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H264, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.086174][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H264, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.086192][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H264, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.086209][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H264, width: 2560, height: 1440, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.086227][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H264, width: 2560, height: 1440, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.086245][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H264, width: 2560, height: 1440, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.086263][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H264, width: 3840, height: 2160, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.086280][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H264, width: 3840, height: 2160, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.086298][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H264, width: 3840, height: 2160, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.086316][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H265, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.086333][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H265, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.086352][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H265, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.086372][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H265, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.086391][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H265, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.086409][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H265, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.086428][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H265, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.086447][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H265, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.086465][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H265, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.086484][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H265, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.086510][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H265, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.086528][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H265, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.086546][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H265, width: 2560, height: 1440, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.086565][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H265, width: 2560, height: 1440, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.086584][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H265, width: 2560, height: 1440, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.086604][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H265, width: 3840, height: 2160, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.086622][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H265, width: 3840, height: 2160, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.086641][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_H265, width: 3840, height: 2160, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.086661][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_RGB888, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.086679][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_RGB888, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.086699][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_RGB888, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.086717][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_RGB888, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.086736][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_RGB888, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.086755][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_RGB888, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.086774][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_RGB888, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.086792][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_RGB888, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.086810][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_RGB888, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.086828][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_RGB888, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.086846][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_RGB888, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.086864][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_RGB888, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.086881][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_RGB888, width: 2560, height: 1440, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.086899][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_RGB888, width: 2560, height: 1440, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.086917][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_RGB888, width: 2560, height: 1440, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.086935][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_RGB888, width: 3840, height: 2160, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.086952][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_RGB888, width: 3840, height: 2160, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.086970][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_RGB888, width: 3840, height: 2160, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.086988][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_BGRA, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.087006][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_BGRA, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.087080][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_BGRA, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.087113][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_BGRA, width: 1280, height: 720, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.087132][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_BGRA, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.087151][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_BGRA, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.087170][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_BGRA, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.087189][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_BGRA, width: 1280, height: 960, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.087206][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_BGRA, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 30}
[11/19 11:48:35.087224][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_BGRA, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.087242][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_BGRA, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.087260][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_BGRA, width: 1920, height: 1080, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.087278][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_BGRA, width: 2560, height: 1440, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.087296][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_BGRA, width: 2560, height: 1440, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.087313][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_BGRA, width: 2560, height: 1440, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.087331][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_BGRA, width: 3840, height: 2160, fps: 25}
[11/19 11:48:35.087349][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_BGRA, width: 3840, height: 2160, fps: 15}
[11/19 11:48:35.087371][info][30555][VideoSensor.cpp:386]  - {type: OB_STREAM_COLOR, format: OB_FORMAT_BGRA, width: 3840, height: 2160, fps: 5}
[11/19 11:48:35.087547][warning][30555][ObException.cpp:5] Invalid input, No matched video stream profile found!
[2024-11-19 11:48:35.087] [error] [t=30555] /home/robotics/yxj/OrbbecSDK-K4A-Wrapper/src/orbbec/ob_type_helper.cpp (21): check_ob_error(). Inner Orbbec SDK error: Invalid input, No matched video stream profile found!, function: ob_stream_profile_list_get_video_stream_profile, exception: 3
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'k4a::error'
  what():  Failed to start cameras!
[azure_kinect_ros_driver-4] process has died [pid 30555, exit code -6, cmd /home/robotics/yxj/orbbec_ws/devel/lib/azure_kinect_ros_driver/node __name:=azure_kinect_ros_driver __log:=/home/robotics/.ros/log/253d55c8-a629-11ef-a417-7784611bdc84/azure_kinect_ros_driver-4.log].
log file: /home/robotics/.ros/log/253d55c8-a629-11ef-a417-7784611bdc84/azure_kinect_ros_driver-4*.log

Somebody knows how to fix it? Many thanks!

Now solved. The cause is that i asked for a wrong resolution:

[ INFO] [1731988115.058172363]: 		 Resolution:
[ INFO] [1731988115.058180268]: 			 Width: 2048
[ INFO] [1731988115.058188073]: 			 Height: 1536