Hi, I’m using the K4A wrapper SDK v.1.10.3 with Windows to record with my Femto Bolt camera. When I use both the K4A viewer GUI (k4aviewer.exe) or K4A recorder (k4arecorder.exe), the depth and infrared streams are both lagging behind the color stream by ~1s.
I have seen other forum posts about the streams not being synced, but others had issues with the color being delayed, and I couldn’t find any solutions. I uninstalled the Azure Kinect SDK as well as the Orbbec SDK, so that just the Orbbec K4A Wrapper SDK remains. I heard that sometimes the other SDKs may interfere. I would like to just use the built in viewer and recorders from the K4A wrapper SDK.
Has anyone encountered this issue and found a solution? Thank you in advance!