Femto Mega Transformation from 2D color pixel to 2D depth pixel

Hi All,

Is there a way to perform coordinate transformation from 2D color pixel to 2D depth pixel, similar to how this function
work “ob::CoordinateTransformHelper::transformation2dto2d(sourcePixel, depthValue, depthIntrinsic, depthDistortion, colorIntrinsic, colorDistortion, extrinsicC2D, &targetPixel)”?

Thank you so much for your help!

I think you may refer this sample to see if can help: OrbbecSDK/examples/cpp/Sample-AlignFilterViewer at main · orbbec/OrbbecSDK · GitHub Notice the supported device

Thanks so much for your feedback, Nathan.

I initially looked at the same sample you shared, but then I found another example in Orbbec SDK v2 that’s even closer to what I need:
However, the “2D to 2D” function in this example only performs coordinate transformation from a 2D depth pixel to a 2D color pixel—not the other way around.

Would there be any workaround to transform coordinates from a 2D color pixel to a 2D depth pixel?

Thanks again for your help!

Yes, I think what you need is the other way that color to depth, so that’s why I suggest considering the AlignFilterViewer sample