Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit with jetpack 6.2 how to use Astra pro camera?

Hey, i have an astra pro camera and i want to use it with ros2 humble and jetson agx orin developer kit. When using the provided ros2 files i get usb error that it need 3.0 usb connection or higher but i have it connected to 3.2 USB port on my agx orin. I tried a lot pf thing but i cant get it to work with ros2. When i use the OpenNI SDK and build it on my jetson i can’t open NIViewer or any other file or exe. I also want to use orbec astra pro for compiter vision like yolo from ultralytics. How can i do all these with my astra pro camera? Can somebody provide a step by step guide? I can only my camera as a webcam in linux but i bought this for my project robot and i dont want to get another camera.
Looking forward to a reply.