I did find some source code in GIT:
However, this is 4 years old. Is it even still relevant, or is this the wrong source? Also, there are some many references to files that don’t even exist. This creates so many errors, I’m not sure how usable it is.
I have cloned the astra repository (git clone GitHub - nocnokneo/astra: Orbbec Astra SDK - build amazing 3D apps with Orbbec 3D cameras).
Then following suggestions from here:
I do:
“sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler clisp-dev libprotobuf-dev libsfml-dev”
Then add “export OPENNI2_INCLUDE=~/OpenNI-Linux-x64-” to my .bashrc file (Note: my version of openNI is different than what was recomended in the linked command).
Then run:
git submodule update --init --recursive
I get “fatal: clone of ‘https://bitbucket.org/orbicsoft/sensekitapktest.git’ into submodule path”. Not a huge deal for me since I’m not using Android, but I can’t run cmake successfully afterwards. So I assume this has something to do with the problem. The link described above definitely matches what is in the updated gitHub repository.
Here are my steps for running cmake:
mkdir build
cd build
sudo cmake ./…
I get, “The source directory ~/astra/vendor/shinyprofiler does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file.”, which is very true.
I have gotten cmake to run. I first removed the android apk submodule as such:
Delete android section in .gitmodule file
git add .gitmodules
Delete android section in .git/config file
git rm --cached android/astraapktest
git rm -rf .git/modules
rm -rf android/astraapktest
Now rerun git submodule update --ini --recursive
Then went back into the build directory I created earlier. Tried to run cmake, but got errors in “src/plugins/openni_sensor/CMakeLists.txt”
Had to add under line 1 for rows 2 and 3:
set (OPENNI2_INCLUDE ~/isaac/packages/OpenNI-Linux-x64-
set (SHINY_INCLUDE ~/isaac/packages/astra/vendor/shinyprofiler/include)
Not sure why when I set the environmental variable in .bashrc.
Then also changed row 52 to “include_directories (${OPENNI2_INCLUDE})”.
Now CMAKE works from the build directory “sudo cmake ./…”
Then in same directory “sudo make”. This also works.