I am currently using the orbbec SDK for Astra+ and Astra Pro cameras.
The orbbec SDK is the latest version of 1.2.
But I found a problem.
I was able to get a serial number from Astra+.
However, the serial number was not available on Astra Pro.
I’d appreciate it if you could answer.
July 22, 2022, 4:31pm
Astra Pro should use Astra SDK or OpenNI SDK from Orbbec official websites.
Orbbec SDK is the newly released SDK only support new Astra+ camera. It doesn’t support Astra Pro.
Thank you for your reply.
Do you have any plans to support Astra Pro?
July 25, 2022, 3:20pm
Astra SDK or OpenNI SDK listed on websites supported Astra Pro camera. Orbbec SDK only designed for new version camera.