Astra S depth to color registration doesn't work

Hi there,

I’m trying to get familiar with Orbbec Astra S and I’m using OpenNI 2.x. I tried setImageRegistrationMode(openni::IMAGE_REGISTRATION_DEPTH_TO_COLOR), but it didn’t help. I hadn’t seen any difference. Next, I tried to use the calibration tool from the download thread. I got these numbers:

[Left Camera Intrinsic]
1337.24 0 382.292
0 1251.92 -936.744
0 0 1
[Right Camera Intrinsic]
1196.57 0 340.625
0 1104.89 -786.933
0 0 1
[Right to Left Camera Rotate Matrix]
0.999647 0.011637 0.0238839
-0.0112265 0.999788 -0.0172499
-0.0240796 0.0169757 0.999566
[Right to Left Camera Translate]
-245.501 -75.0925 -61.1701

Can I use them to enhance registration? And if I can, how should I properly do that? Is there any hardware d2c module so far?

Thank you in advance!