Astra S on Linux USB Error

I’m getting this problems :

[ INFO] [1457519074.022399615]: Device “2bc5/0401@1/6” found.
[ INFO] [1457519074.027815155]: No matching device found… waiting for devices. Reason: openni2_wrapper::OpenNI2Device::OpenNI2Device(const string&) @ /home/wiigoindustria/catkin_ws/src/openni2_camera/src/openni2_device.cpp @ 74 : Device open failed
Could not open “2bc5/0401@1/6”: Failed to open the USB device!

Solved! U must give root permission to device.

Rather than constantly running it as root, why not just install the udev rules for the Astra S?

There should be an installer for them in the Astra Linux SDK in ./install.