Astra SDK 2.0.7 - Persee - Android - BodyFrame from StreamReader.FrameListener

I am hoping someone can lead me in the right direction for getting Body data from the Orbec Persee on Android.

Update 2:
…or, this is a prelude to a bug report - Advanced

I have created a new project with only the relevant pattern I am attempting to use. Basically, everything seems to work smoothly until the native code attempts to build my joints when my body comes into view.

Here is the error I am receiving.

E/art: JNI ERROR (app bug): attempt to pass an instance of com.orbbec.astra.Matrix3 as argument 3 to void com.orbbec.astra.Joint.(int, int, com.orbbec.astra.Vector2D, com.orbbec.astra.Vector3D, com.orbbec.astra.Matrix3)
A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, …

Looking at the Unity example (which I managed to get working on the Persee via Unity2017.3.0f3), a similar context can be found in the Unity SDK SkeletonRenderer script.

            for (int i = 0; i < joints.Length; i++)
                joints[i] = (GameObject)Instantiate(JointPrefab,, Quaternion.identity);
                // Joint.<init>(int, int, com.orbbec.astra.Vector2D, com.orbbec.astra.Vector3D, com.orbbec.astra.Matrix3)

Minimal Example:

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    private Executor ex;

     * OnCreate
     * Create a thread executor as to not block UI thread
     * @param savedInstanceState
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Executor class
        ex = new Executor(){
            public void execute(@NonNull Runnable r) {
                new Thread (r).start();
        // Execute the Runnable object
        ex.execute(new UpdateRunnable());

     * "Main" Runnable code (to be run inside of Astra initialized Thread)
    private class UpdateRunnable implements Runnable {
        public void run() {

            // Astra.initialize
            final AstraAndroidContext aac = new AstraAndroidContext(getApplicationContext());

            // Set up Astra Stream Reader(s)
                I have tried a several combinations of StreamReader variables
                    - a single StreamReader, device/default as arg, no arg, different sensor NUMs...
            final StreamReader depthStreamReader ="device/sensor0").createReader();
            final StreamReader bodyStreamReader ="device/sensor0").createReader();

            // Get Astra Streams
            final DepthStream depthStream = DepthStream.get(depthStreamReader);
            final BodyStream bodyStream = BodyStream.get(bodyStreamReader);

            // Start Astra Streams

            // Set Astra Stream Listener(s)
             * StreamReader.FrameListener (anonymous)
             * Listening for frames using AstraSDK, attempting to track body
            final StreamReader.FrameListener frameListener = new StreamReader.FrameListener() {

                public void onFrameReady(StreamReader streamReader, ReaderFrame readerFrame) {
                    Log.d("frame", "frame ready");

                    BodyFrame bf = BodyFrame.get(readerFrame);
                    Iterable<Body> bodies = bf.getBodies(); // fails when there are bodies to get
                    if (bodies != null) {
                        Log.d("getting somewhere? ", "" + bodies.iterator().hasNext());
            // Listener set

                The following loop continues until I step into frame.  Once enough of my body is in the
                frame, the program exits with the following message tail:

                D/getting somewhere?: false
                D/frame: frame ready
                D/getting somewhere?: false
                D/frame: frame ready
                E/art: JNI ERROR (app bug): attempt to pass an instance of com.orbbec.astra.Matrix3 as argument 3 to void com.orbbec.astra.Joint.<init>(int, int, com.orbbec.astra.Vector2D, com.orbbec.astra.Vector3D, com.orbbec.astra.Matrix3)
                A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1

                (In place of the error, I was expecting: D/getting somewhere?: true)
            while (true){

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You,

  • Dustin
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@dcharles Can you provide a working example? This would be great :slight_smile:

I have a working example published on Github: GitHub - Michael-List/Orbbec_Astra_Example_Android: Orbbec Astra example for Android