Cannot Stream Color When Connect 2 ASTRA Camera

Hi - I’m having troubles getting the RGB data on 2 astra camera
I use 2 astra camera connected to my PC and SDK AstraSDK-0.5.0-vs2013-win64
I’ve tried accessing camera through the SDK (SimpleColorViewer-SFML and SimpleDepthViewer-SFML), when I run SimpleDepthViewer-SFML.exe it’s working well,
i’ve tried to change script to access camera
from : astra::StreamSet streamSet;
to : astra::StreamSet streamSet(“device/sensor0”); or “device/sensor1”
and its working on SimpleDepthViewer-SFML.exe
but when I run SimpleColorViewer-SFML.exe it just shows a black screen,
SimpleColorViewer-SFML.exe only works if I connect only 1 camera,
lately I noticed that setting resolution for color sensor is 640x480 (I found on file OpenNI2\Drivers\orbbec.ini), default setting for resolution is 320x240,
when I change value resolution to 0 (320x240) on line 111 at file orbbec.ini SimpleColorViewer-SFML.exe can running well even when I connect 2 astra camera,
but I need to get data color on 640x480 pixel with 2 astra camera connected,
please is there a way to do that??

thank you