Can't find documentation for CoordinateMapper

Hi! I am doing a pretty bad job at finding the documentation for the C# API, I apologize in advance.

I am trying to use the CoordinateMapper in Unity, but I just can’t figure it out.

In the C++ examples the DepthStream has a member variable that is a CoordinateMapper so I tried that first.

After guessing and checking for a while, I decided to use ildasm to see what the actual C# assembly contained.

There is only one constructor for CoordinateMapper and it takes two ints and two floats.

What do these arguments mean? Has anybody successfully used CoordinateMapper in the C# API?

Hi this is in C++…

if (depthFrame.is_valid())
int width = depthFrame.width();
int height = depthFrame.height();
int frameIndex = depthFrame.frame_index();

        //determine if buffer needs to be reallocated
        if (width != lastWidth_ || height != lastHeight_)
            buffer_ = buffer_ptr(new int16_t[depthFrame.length()]);
            lastWidth_ = width;
            lastHeight_ = height;

        size_t index = ((width * (height / 2.0f)) + (width / 2.0f));
        short middle = buffer_[index];

        float worldX, worldY, worldZ;
        float depthX, depthY, depthZ;
        mapper.convert_depth_to_world(width / 2.0f, height / 2.0f, middle, &worldX, &worldY, &worldZ);
        mapper.convert_world_to_depth(worldX, worldY, worldZ, &depthX, &depthY, &depthZ);

        std::cout << "depth frameIndex: " << frameIndex
                  << " value: " << middle
                  << " wX: " << worldX
                  << " wY: " << worldY
                  << " wZ: " << worldZ
                  << " dX: " << depthX
                  << " dY: " << depthY
                  << " dZ: " << depthZ
                  << std::endl;

from an example “DepthReaderEventCPP”…

Hope this helps…
