Compatibility of Orbbec Astra with Raspberry Pi3


Has anyone successfully run Astra on Raspberry Pi 3 stably? I simply perform color + depth image polling (resolution QVGA) and it constantly exit after no more than 100,000 frames. I tried the pre-compiled OpenNI2 and I also compiled it from source code by myself, both leading to the same problem. The testing program could stably run on Odroid and desktop Linux, so definitly not the problem of the programm. Any clue to find the problem?

OS image: official image Debian jessie from Raspberry

Thanks in advance!

hey @qiao, did you have any success getting it to run stably? have you run into many issues getting it up and running? I’m thinking of experimenting with an RP3.

Hi splendidgoose,

sorry i tried with no luck. i will post it here if it succeeds in the future.

It runs stably with ROS, but the performance of the Pi is not good enough to ensure high framerates. That makes NI not run very well with it.