Depth Frame Rotation Issue with Femto Mega I

I am currently working with a Femto Mega I and using the Orbbec Viewer to visualize the depth frames. However, I have encountered an issue where the depth frame appears to be rotated, as shown in the attached screenshot.


  • Device Model: Femto Mega I
  • Software Used: Orbbec Viewer

Depth Stream Settings:

  • Resolution: 640x576
  • Format: Y16
  • Frame Rate: 30 fps
  • Exposure: 125

I have not manually rotated the image within the viewer settings. Despite attempting various adjustments, I cannot correct the rotation issue. Has anyone else experienced this problem, or does anyone have suggestions on how to resolve it?

Thank you for your assistance!

Can you stream the IR and RGB images together with depth?

These are RGB, IR and Depth(WFOV) streams.
In NFOV mode the image seems to be rotated but in the WFOV it’s just wide.

I could not tell any rotation on your streams since you didn’t turn on the NFOV mode to compare with other streams. You can verify the current rotation status under Depth->Control->Rotate.

Could you please attach the “NFOV” screenshot with depth and RGB image?