Difference between TOF and stereo cameras?


I worked with other camera brands in the past, i.e., ZED, realsense, etc…
I started working recently with a TOF camera from ORBBEC, the Femto Bolt.

The Femto Bolt is a TOF camera, so as far as I know, it emits a IR light and calculates the depth based on the time it takes for the light to bouce back. It is an active sensor.

ZED is a color stereo camera what works by calculating the disparity between left and right cameras to get the depth data. This is a passive sensor.

However, the gemini 330 series seems to use IR stereo camera. I could not find resources explaining the principle behind its approach. Does it emit a light pattern and then calculates disparity? is it similar to realsense D435 or D455?

Therefore, I would appreciate if someone could clarify the differences between the Femto and the gemini camera approach to obtian depth data to me.

Thanks in advance!