Feedback on the beta Ubuntu images

Flashing via the Android flash tool has an infrequent success rate at best. It seems like the Windows driver doesn’t work properly - occasionally Windows (8.1) keeps detecting the Orbbec as “malfunctioning USB device” and the “LOADER found” message flashes on and off. I had better luck using the Linux “upgrade_tool” which Rockchip apparently released in binary format at some point in their history, but all links to this are on 3rd party sites and I’m not comfortable using them with a real production case. This tool worked without any issues on Debian Jessie, though.

It would be much appreciated if the Linux flasher was made officially available by Orbbec / Rockchip.

Ubuntu 14 image

  • /etc/resolv.conf nameserver is set to on boot and this seemed to cause issues with DNS for me. In my case I duct taped this by always changing this to
  • /usr/lib/, /usr/lib/ and /usr/lib/ permissions are -rwx-r-x—. chmod them to 755 instead.
  • /dev/mali0 is not readable as non-root users. Create /etc/udev/rules.d/50-mali.rules with
KERNEL=="mali0", MODE="0660", GROUP="video"
  • The WIFI does not always start on boot. Doing ifdown wlan1 / ifup wlan1 fixes this. Not sure if related, but /etc/rc.local appears to do this on boot every time - is this needed? In addition, the WIFI doesn’t always connect to known networks automatically, but doing nmcli con up id <essid> fixes it. Could probably just add this in a script that’s called via rc.local.

Ubuntu 16 image

  • /etc/resolv.conf nameserver is set to on boot and this seemed to cause issues with DNS for me. In my case I duct taped this by always changing this to
  • EGL, GLES and OpenCL libraries are missing
  • /etc/apt/sources.list contains duplicate entries
  • There’s a constant spam about baudrate in syslog / dmesg. I think this comes from the bluetooth driver?
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