I’m experiencing an issue with my Orbbec Femto Bolt camera when using it with ROS2 Humble on Windows 11 via WSL. While the color image is working correctly, I’m unable to view the depth and IR images. Here are the details:
- Windows 11 with WSL
- ROS2 Humble
- Orbbec Femto Bolt camera
- OrbbecSDK_ROS2 (latest version)
- The camera is recognized and initialized successfully.
- Color image stream works fine and is visible.
- Topics for depth and IR are present, but no data seems to be flowing.
- Depth engine initialization errors are observed in the logs.
What I’ve tried:
- Confirmed that the topics exist:
- /camera/depth/image_raw
- /camera/ir/image_raw
- Checked that the enable_depth and enable_ir parameters are set to true.
- Attempted to view images using rqt_image_view, but depth and IR don’t appear.
- Verified that the topics have publishers (1 each) but no subscribers.
Error messages observed:
[error][20830][MSDEConverterDevice.cpp:101] Depth engine create and initialize failed,retCode:204
- What could be causing the depth engine initialization failure?
- Are there any specific steps or configurations needed for depth and IR to work in a WSL environment?
- Could this be related to the libEGL warnings in the logs, and if so, how can I address them?
- Are there any known issues with the Femto Bolt and ROS2 Humble compatibility?
Any guidance or troubleshooting steps would be greatly appreciated. I can provide additional logs or information if needed.
Thank you for your help!