Femto Bolt/Mega file size

What is typical file size of recorded raw files from Bolt and Mega (RGB + Depth + IRB) using standard settings?

We have an EOL Microsoft Kinect Azure, and are considering switching to Orbecc. One of the major downsides is the massive file size of the MKV recordings with standard settings, without any means of compression live or at rest. For example, 1.5 GB for 1 minute recording @ 30fps with (DEPTH=NFOV_2x2BINNED , RGB=1080p)

Last post unresolved on Microsoft Forum before EOL: https://github.com/microsoft/Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK/issues/1003

We recorded MKV files in the K4a wrapper, and they are exactly the same as those from Azure Kinect. The file size is the same under the same resolution and frame rate.

If you use the Orbbec SDK to record ROS bags, the depth data is compressed. The compression ratio for depth is approximately 1/3.

Great - thank you for that information.