Femto Mega Multi Device Hardware Sync

Im trying to run the OBMultiDeviceSync example with two cameras.
The devices are connected with a Ethernet cable and 2 8pin-to-RJ45 components. I’ve tried both secondary and secondary_synced modes for the secondary devices and both give the same result. After the restart of the devices, the secondary transitions in fault state (orange led blinking) and the device wont stream depth data, only RGB (the primary device works properly). Looking through the timestamps of the captured frames I see that the secondary color frame is captured right before the primary one.

(I use the config file as it is, changing only the serial numbers).

So what was going on, I was not using the sync box, which is neccessary.

It appears that the power supply does not meet Mega’s power requirements.
For further details, please refer to Femto Mega’s datasheet.
Please reach out to info@orbbec3d.com for further assistance.