Having trouble getting depth frame data after following stream data example

Hi there,

I’m using the Orbec Astra S in Windows 8.1 on my Macbook Pro. I have set up a Visual Studio 2013 project for an x64 console app. I followed the tutorials in the Astra SDK book and still have not been able to successfully retrieve a depth frame. I get no compile time or runtime errors, and my code is basically identical to the code in the tutorial, as well as that in the samples that come with the SDK. I should also mention that these samples work fine.

After not having any luck polling frames, I set up a frame listener per the Retrieving Stream Data example. I have a class that inherits from astra::FrameListener that has a method on_frame_ready. This method never gets called which makes me think that no frame is ever retrieved from the camera. I’m almost positive that I’m initializing the device correctly, but I will include the code below:

astra::StreamSet streamSet;
astra::StreamReader reader = streamSet.create_reader();

DepthFrameListener dfListener;
reader.add_listener( dfListener );
while ( dfListener.Continue() ) {

reader.remove_listener( dfListener );

Any advice would be appreciated!

Did you copy the Plugins folder to your program executable directory? If not, no plugins will be loaded and the SDK won’t know anything about the sensor.

If it’s not that, then update astra.toml to read like below and copy the log here.

# trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal
level = "warn"
console_output = true
file_output = true
#path = "Plugins"

Thanks Josh, copying all the dll’s found in the samples directory to the executable directory worked. I’ll write a build script to ensure this happens in the future. Cheers!

I’m having the same issue, but changing usb port is not helping. Copying Plugins to executable folder doesn’t work either. The SimpleViewer sample works OK.

Here is my log file setting INFO in verbosity level:

2018-02-28 17:25:37,185 WARN [context] Hold on to yer butts
2018-02-28 17:25:37,185 INFO [context] configuration path: /home/jorge/software/AstraSDK-v2.0.8-beta2-c1b800ad80-20180201T081605Z-Linux/lib/astra.toml
2018-02-28 17:25:37,185 INFO [context] log file path: astra.log
2018-02-28 17:25:37,185 INFO [context] astra_core library version: v2.0.8-beta2-c1b800ad80 API Level: 1
2018-02-28 17:25:37,185 INFO [context] astra_core_api library version: v2.0.8-beta2-c1b800ad80 API Level: 1
2018-02-28 17:25:37,185 INFO [context] plugin search paths /home/jorge/software/AstraSDK-v2.0.8-beta2-c1b800ad80-20180201T081605Z-Linux/lib/Plugins/;/home/jorge/software/AstraSDK-v2.0.8-beta2-c1b800ad80-20180201T081605Z-Linux/lib/
2018-02-28 17:25:37,419 INFO [plugin_manager] loading plugin: /home/jorge/software/AstraSDK-v2.0.8-beta2-c1b800ad80-20180201T081605Z-Linux/lib/Plugins/libOrbbecBodyTracking.so version: v2.0.8-beta2-c1b800ad80 API level: 1
2018-02-28 17:25:37,852 INFO [plugin_manager] loading plugin: /home/jorge/software/AstraSDK-v2.0.8-beta2-c1b800ad80-20180201T081605Z-Linux/lib/Plugins/liborbbec_xs.so version: v2.0.8-beta2-c1b800ad80 API level: 1
2018-02-28 17:25:37,852 INFO [astra.xs.plugin] Initializing xs plugin
2018-02-28 17:25:38,070 INFO [plugin_manager] loading plugin: /home/jorge/software/AstraSDK-v2.0.8-beta2-c1b800ad80-20180201T081605Z-Linux/lib/Plugins/liborbbec_hand.so version: v2.0.8-beta2-c1b800ad80 API level: 1
2018-02-28 17:25:38,283 INFO [plugin_manager] loading plugin: /home/jorge/software/AstraSDK-v2.0.8-beta2-c1b800ad80-20180201T081605Z-Linux/lib/Plugins/libopenni_sensor.so version: v2.0.8-beta2-c1b800ad80 API level: 1
2018-02-28 17:25:38,283 INFO [orbbec.ni.oni_adapter_plugin] Initializing OpenNI v2.3.0.15
2018-02-28 17:25:39,154 INFO [orbbec.ni.oni_adapter_plugin] Initialized OpenNI v2.3.0.15
2018-02-28 17:26:11,542 INFO [context] client opening streamset: device/default
2018-02-28 17:26:11,542 INFO [streamset_catalog] default uri provided.
2018-02-28 17:26:29,907 INFO [astra.streamset] connecting to (7,0) on device/sensor0
2018-02-28 17:26:47,828 INFO [astra.streamset] connecting to (2,0) on device/sensor0

I’m in Ubuntu 14.04.
