How can I calculate focal length in milimeter about Astra Pro?

I’d like to calculate focal length in mm about Astra Pro.

I have calibration result, so I know focal length in pixel with ROS camera_calibration package.
In my case, roughly fx = fy = 610[pixel].
I know I have to get scale factor mx and my which enable us to convert focal length in pixel to one in milimeter.
If you know, could you let me know mx and my?

I checked past question below.
kos showed pixel size, but the size is for Astra S, not for Pro.
Orbbec Astra Pro RGB sensor dimensions

I surveyed focal length more.
Then I found this material.
If I assume Astra Pro has same CMOS as Astra S, focal length f = fx * 0.0019mm?
In my case, f = 610 * 0.0019 = 1.159[mm]?

I’m happy if someone gives me some comments or suggestion.

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