How to switch on / off Femto Bolt led

I’d like to switch on and off the white led placed in front of the Femto Bolt camera.
I’ve seen that I can handle it via Orbbec Viewer → Device Control → Light.
How can I do the same with the C# Wrapper for Azure?
With Azure I handle this via Microsoft.Azure.Kinect.Sensor.DeviceConfiguration.DisableStreamingIndicator but this parameter doesn’t have any effect on Femto Bolt.
All others parameters work great with C# Wrapper.

It would be nice handling this led via C# Wrapper for Azure.
Orbbec SDK: 1.8.3

Hello,thank you for informations ,
we will fixed this issue in the next version

Hello @xuchongyan,
thank you very much for your fast reply and for fixing the problem.
Do you know more or less when the next firmware will be released?

K4A wrapper for 1.9 will be released this week

this version fix it.

Release v1.9.1 · orbbec/OrbbecSDK-K4A-Wrapper (

Hi @zhonghong,
thank you very much for the fix.
Now I noticed that the DisableStreamingIndicator works in reverse.
If I set this parameter = true, the led turns on.
If I set this parameter = false, the led turns off.

Since the name of the parameter is DisableStreamingIndicator, not EnableStreamingIndicator, the led should turn off if the parameter = true and turn on if the parameter = false.
The Kinect 4 Azure SDK works fine, so this fix is important to preserve backward compatibility.