Is Gestoos working with Astra Mini?

Hello everyone, I’m just getting started with the Astra Mini S.

I have successfully run the samples from Orbbec Astra SDK 2.0.9 Beta3d:

  • All the C++ samples are running fine in Visual Studio 2015.
  • All the Unity TestScenes can run both Depth and Color streams and everything else.

Then I tried Gestoos.

After building the samples with VS2013 in Release x64, running them in cmd shows:

After initialization:

SimpleViewer: Device open failed:
        DeviceOpen using default: no devices found

Is Astra Mini supported in Gestoos?

FWIW - gestoos is a bit of a hit and miss system.
The fact that its sdk only works with the 5 year old visual studio 2013 platform and that gestoos has indicated they have no plans or intentions to update it any time soon should say more than most people need to know.
