Issue with Depth Data when combining Femto Bolt (orbbec_camera) and SLAM Toolbox


I’m trying to create a map using Femto Bolt and SLAM Toolbox in ROS2. Here’s my current setup and issues:

Current Setup:

  1. TF tree is properly configured (map → odom → base_link → camera_link)

  2. Using orbbec_camera’s with the following parameters:

    • publish_tf: true
    • depth_enable: true
    • depth_fps: 15
    • depth_format: y16
    • enable_point_cloud: true
  3. Using depthimage_to_laserscan with these settings:

    • Input: /camera/depth/image_raw
    • Output frame: base_link
    • scan_time: 0.033
    • range_min: 0.1
    • range_max: 5.0
    • scan_height: 10

Current Issues:

  1. Camera topics are being published at ~13Hz
  2. All depth data values are zero
  3. No data is being generated for /scan and /map topics


  1. Are there any additional parameters needed for the Femto Bolt launch file to ensure proper depth data output?
  2. What are the recommended depthimage_to_laserscan parameters specifically for the Femto Bolt?
  3. Are there any known compatibility issues between orbbec_camera and SLAM Toolbox?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

System Information:

  • ROS2 Version:Humble
  • OS: Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish