I have a question.
I did buy a new license.
Now I am trying to add this one to my program in a Unity project.
like this:
string licenseString = "LicenseKeySendToMeGoesHere”;
This does not work! It crashes my unity editor on exit? When these lines are removed it does not crash
and this is found in the astra.log file:
2019-12-03 15:42:47,017 ERROR [astra] License net verify error license use number ge limit use number(1004)
and in the unity editor.log some weird message:
mul distance cal Destroy (this message comes from the astra.dll)
Do you know what is going wrong?
And when I am trying to read the Orbbec Astra Pro Colorstream.
These errors are generated in astra.log:
2019-12-02 19:07:41,464 ERROR [orbbec.ni.WmfColorStream] WMF device has no compatible stream profiles.
2019-12-02 19:07:41,464 ERROR [orbbec.ni.device_streamset] could not open uvc-based color stream
Has someone an idea what is going on?
Thanks in advance.