LNK2019 error.... main.obj in the hello world tutorial

I’ve managed to successfully edit the samples, however just starting from scratch I’m getting this error when trying to debug the hello world. I’m still stuck on the very first step.

main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_astra_initialize referenced in function “enum astra_status_t __cdecl astra::initialize(void)” (?initialize@astra@@YA?AW4astra_status_t@@XZ)
main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_astra_terminate referenced in function “enum astra_status_t __cdecl astra::terminate(void)” (?terminate@astra@@YA?AW4astra_status_t@@XZ)
C:\Users\Will\Downloads\astrahelloworld\x64\Debug\astrahelloworld.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals

main.obj is appearing when I debug. I can’t find what is calling those functions. I know LNK2019 is when there’s no definition or there’s a problem, but I don’t understand how to get around this.

Any help appreciated.
Will Seymour

Managed to solve it. I’m still unsure about which files need to go where e.g. the .dll files and the lib files. But sorted for now.

The lib files need to be in the path that your compiler can see. Lib files define to the compiler what functions are avaiable in a DLL file … Among other things
The DLL files need to be in the path that your executable can see. They contain the functions actually called by your compiled program
