Looking for working example of body tracking

I have an Orbbec Astra and I’d like to try the full body tracking system, but I did not manage to get it work.
This is the code I wrote to test the system:

When I run it, the bodies.size() call at line 58 keeps returning 0 bodies.

The strange thing is that I cannot find any working example of body tracking with the Astra SDK: the SimpleBodyViewer sample in the SDK v2.07 produces a black window and, as soon as the console pops up, I see the error at the first line:

The Unity sample also seems to not working properly: in the sample scene, I can only see the color stream picture, while the depth and body streams are not shown.

Is there an example of how to use the body tracking system? I looked for a tutorial but I couldn’t find it.
Thanks in advance,


Hi @alessandroTironi, have you been able to find a working sample? I downloaded a sample from @andrew here:

I’m trying to get it running…

Hi @mrwaynesmith, I’m still looking for a sample. Thanks a lot for your suggestion, I’ll surely try it in the next days.

Is it working with 2.08 in Unity?