Need Help can't run samples on OSX Astra Pro

Hi Everyone,

I’m trying to run the SDK samples on OSX 10.10.5, Xcode v7.2 using the Astra Pro

I have similar issues as this thread:

and have followed their steps but still can’t get it to work.

I think the issue might have something to do with:
“Couldn’t find function oniDriverCreate in libusb-1.0.0.dylib. Stopping”

Here is my log:

2016-01-15 10:36:34,508 WARN [context] Hold on to yer butts
2016-01-15 10:36:34,508 INFO [context] configuration path: /Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/astra.toml
2016-01-15 10:36:34,508 INFO [context] log file path: astra.log
2016-01-15 10:36:34,508 INFO [context] plugin path: /Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/Plugins/
2016-01-15 10:36:34,516 INFO [] Initializing OpenNI v2.3.0.15
198 INFO New log started on 2016-01-15 10:36:34
203 INFO — Filter Info — Minimum Severity: VERBOSE
379 VERBOSE OpenNI 2.3.0 (Build 15)-MacOSX (Oct 12 2015 14:39:22)
390 VERBOSE Configuration file found at ‘/Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/Plugins/openni2/OpenNI.ini’
475 VERBOSE Using ‘/Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/Plugins/openni2/OpenNI2/Drivers’ as driver path
496 VERBOSE Looking for drivers at ‘/Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/Plugins/openni2/OpenNI2/Drivers’
654 VERBOSE Loading device driver ‘liborbbec.dylib’…
4038 INFO New log started on 2016-01-15 10:36:34
4052 INFO — Filter Info — Minimum Severity: VERBOSE
4061 VERBOSE Initializing USB…
4439 INFO USB is initialized.
4602517 INFO Device connected: Orbbec Astra (2bc5/0403@20/25)
2016-01-15 10:36:39,118 INFO [] device connected: 2bc5/0403@20/25
2016-01-15 10:36:39,119 INFO [astra.plugin_service] creating streamset: device/sensor0 4046e0
2016-01-15 10:36:39,119 INFO [] opening device: 2bc5/0403@20/25
4602987 VERBOSE Trying to open device by URI ‘2bc5/0403@20/25’
4603586 VERBOSE Initializing device sensor…
4603693 VERBOSE Configuring module ‘Device’ from section ‘Device’ in file ‘/Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/Plugins/openni2/OpenNI2/Drivers/orbbec.ini’…
4603783 INFO Setting Device.UsbInterface to 2…
4603799 INFO Device.UsbInterface value did not change.
4604139 INFO Module ‘Device’ configuration was loaded from file.
4604155 VERBOSE Connecting to USB device…
4604164 VERBOSE Trying to open sensor ‘2bc5/0403@20/25’…
5338360 VERBOSE Starting libusb asynch thread…
5338528 VERBOSE Trying to open endpoint 0x4 for control out (for old firmwares)…
5338560 INFO Connected to USB device
5342984 VERBOSE Getting hardware versions…
5596393 WARNING Failed to receive from USB control endpoint (-99)
5596481 ERROR Get version failed: Failed to receive a USB control request!
5596507 VERBOSE Getting hardware versions…
5748688 WARNING Failed to receive from USB control endpoint (-99)
5748733 ERROR Get version failed: Failed to receive a USB control request!
5748745 VERBOSE Shutting down USB depth read thread…
5748754 VERBOSE Shutting down USB image read thread…
5749757 VERBOSE Shutting down USB events thread…
5749850 VERBOSE Device closed successfully
5749882 VERBOSE Shutting down Scheduler thread…
2016-01-15 10:36:40,266 WARN [] failed to open device: Could not open “2bc5/0403@20/25”: Failed to receive a USB control request!

7212304 VERBOSE Loading device driver ‘libusb-1.0.0.dylib’…
7212599 WARNING LibraryHandler: Couldn’t find function oniDriverCreate in libusb-1.0.0.dylib. Stopping
7212625 WARNING Couldn’t use file ‘libusb-1.0.0.dylib’ as a device driver
2016-01-15 10:36:41,728 INFO [] Initialized OpenNI v2.3.0.15
2016-01-15 10:36:41,740 INFO [astra.plugins.xs.XSPlugin] Initializing XS plugin
2016-01-15 10:36:41,740 INFO [context] client opening streamset: device/default
2016-01-15 10:36:41,740 INFO [streamset_catalog] default uri provided.
2016-01-15 10:36:41,740 INFO [astra.streamset] connecting to (1,0) on device/sensor0

any ideas?


Just thought I would add:

I just tested the same build with an older Astra “developer preview kit” and the samples do work with that. I believe it’s the Astra “regular” and not the “pro”

It looks like it’s an issue with the Pro?

Did you copy libusb-1.0.0.dylib into lib/Plugins/openni2/OpenNI2/Drivers? It looks like it’s trying to load libusb-1.0.0.dylib as a driver, which would only happen if that file was in the Drivers folder.

The intended way to get it running (for now) is use to do brew install libusb, and that will install libusb and create a symlink at /usr/local/lib/libusb-1.0.0.dylib. liborbbec.dylib (in the Drivers folder) is looking for libusb at that location. If you need to change the path it looks for libusb for some reason, you could use install_name_tool.

From your logs, there might be another problem besides this as well, but let’s resolve this one first.

Hi Josh

Yes I had copied libusb-1.0.0.dylib into the OpenNI2 drivers folder, it’s removed now and the driver error is gone

Still can’t run the samples with the pro. Oddly enough, the SimpleDepthViewer sample has successfully run a couple of times, but the majority of times it fails. It runs maybe one out of ten times. The Astra “regular” (not pro) continues to run without error

(sorry for the miles of text, I don’t know how to make scroll windows)

log for the SimpleDepthViewer:

2016-01-19 10:49:31,899 WARN [context] Hold on to yer butts
2016-01-19 10:49:31,900 INFO [context] configuration path: /Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/astra.toml
2016-01-19 10:49:31,900 INFO [context] log file path: astra.log
2016-01-19 10:49:31,900 INFO [context] plugin path: /Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/Plugins/
2016-01-19 10:49:31,904 INFO [] Initializing OpenNI v2.3.0.15
272 INFO New log started on 2016-01-19 10:49:31
278 INFO — Filter Info — Minimum Severity: VERBOSE
443 VERBOSE OpenNI 2.3.0 (Build 15)-MacOSX (Oct 12 2015 14:39:22)
449 VERBOSE Configuration file found at ‘/Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/Plugins/openni2/OpenNI.ini’
513 VERBOSE Using ‘/Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/Plugins/openni2/OpenNI2/Drivers’ as driver path
524 VERBOSE Looking for drivers at ‘/Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/Plugins/openni2/OpenNI2/Drivers’
730 VERBOSE Loading device driver ‘liborbbec.dylib’…
4374 INFO New log started on 2016-01-19 10:49:31
4392 INFO — Filter Info — Minimum Severity: VERBOSE
4399 VERBOSE Initializing USB…
81787 INFO USB is initialized.
81892 INFO Device connected: Orbbec Astra (2bc5/0403@20/28)
2016-01-19 10:49:31,985 INFO [] device connected: 2bc5/0403@20/28
2016-01-19 10:49:31,986 INFO [astra.plugin_service] creating streamset: device/sensor0 5121d0
2016-01-19 10:49:31,986 INFO [] opening device: 2bc5/0403@20/28
82435 VERBOSE Trying to open device by URI ‘2bc5/0403@20/28’
82889 VERBOSE Initializing device sensor…
83026 VERBOSE Configuring module ‘Device’ from section ‘Device’ in file ‘/Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/Plugins/openni2/OpenNI2/Drivers/orbbec.ini’…
83142 INFO Setting Device.UsbInterface to 2…
83153 INFO Device.UsbInterface value did not change.
83368 INFO Module ‘Device’ configuration was loaded from file.
83379 VERBOSE Connecting to USB device…
83384 VERBOSE Trying to open sensor ‘2bc5/0403@20/28’…
84554 VERBOSE Starting libusb asynch thread…
84598 VERBOSE Trying to open endpoint 0x4 for control out (for old firmwares)…
84619 INFO Connected to USB device
88541 VERBOSE Getting hardware versions…
101761 INFO Hardware versions: FW=5.8.22 (14) HW=0 Chip=0 Sensor=0 SYS=12
113417 WARNING Received NACK: 2
113438 INFO Reading CMOS 0 supported presets…
113988 VERBOSE Requesting KeepAlive…
114260 VERBOSE Got KeepAlive Reply.
114295 VERBOSE Setting mode to 3…
115651 VERBOSE Requesting KeepAlive…
115926 VERBOSE Got KeepAlive Reply.
116203 VERBOSE Getting the fixed params…
673340 WARNING Failed to receive from USB control endpoint (-1)
673371 ERROR Get fixed params failed: Failed to receive a USB control request!
673380 VERBOSE Shutting down USB depth read thread…
673387 VERBOSE Shutting down USB image read thread…
674225 VERBOSE Shutting down USB events thread…
674300 VERBOSE Device closed successfully
674337 VERBOSE Shutting down Scheduler thread…
2016-01-19 10:49:32,578 WARN [] failed to open device: Could not open “2bc5/0403@20/28”: Failed to receive a USB control request!

2016-01-19 10:49:32,578 INFO [] Initialized OpenNI v2.3.0.15
2016-01-19 10:49:32,589 INFO [astra.plugins.xs.XSPlugin] Initializing XS plugin
2016-01-19 10:49:32,722 INFO [context] client opening streamset: device/default
2016-01-19 10:49:32,722 INFO [streamset_catalog] default uri provided.
2016-01-19 10:49:32,722 INFO [astra.streamset] connecting to (7,0) on device/sensor0
2016-01-19 10:49:32,722 INFO [astra.streamset] connecting to (1,0) on device/sensor0
Failed to load font “Inconsolata.otf” (failed to create the font face)
Program ended with exit code: 9

here’s the log for a successful run of SimpleDepthViewer:

2016-01-19 10:44:32,653 WARN [context] Hold on to yer butts
2016-01-19 10:44:32,654 INFO [context] configuration path: /Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/astra.toml
2016-01-19 10:44:32,654 INFO [context] log file path: astra.log
2016-01-19 10:44:32,654 INFO [context] plugin path: /Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/Plugins/
2016-01-19 10:44:32,658 INFO [] Initializing OpenNI v2.3.0.15
286 INFO New log started on 2016-01-19 10:44:32
291 INFO — Filter Info — Minimum Severity: VERBOSE
490 VERBOSE OpenNI 2.3.0 (Build 15)-MacOSX (Oct 12 2015 14:39:22)
496 VERBOSE Configuration file found at ‘/Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/Plugins/openni2/OpenNI.ini’
535 VERBOSE Using ‘/Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/Plugins/openni2/OpenNI2/Drivers’ as driver path
539 VERBOSE Looking for drivers at ‘/Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/Plugins/openni2/OpenNI2/Drivers’
659 VERBOSE Loading device driver ‘liborbbec.dylib’…
4268 INFO New log started on 2016-01-19 10:44:32
4283 INFO — Filter Info — Minimum Severity: VERBOSE
4291 VERBOSE Initializing USB…
79323 INFO USB is initialized.
79406 INFO Device connected: Orbbec Astra (2bc5/0403@20/28)
2016-01-19 10:44:32,738 INFO [] device connected: 2bc5/0403@20/28
2016-01-19 10:44:32,738 INFO [astra.plugin_service] creating streamset: device/sensor0 327270
2016-01-19 10:44:32,738 INFO [] opening device: 2bc5/0403@20/28
79888 VERBOSE Trying to open device by URI ‘2bc5/0403@20/28’
80202 VERBOSE Initializing device sensor…
80251 VERBOSE Configuring module ‘Device’ from section ‘Device’ in file ‘/Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/Plugins/openni2/OpenNI2/Drivers/orbbec.ini’…
80302 INFO Setting Device.UsbInterface to 2…
80307 INFO Device.UsbInterface value did not change.
80504 INFO Module ‘Device’ configuration was loaded from file.
80516 VERBOSE Connecting to USB device…
80521 VERBOSE Trying to open sensor ‘2bc5/0403@20/28’…
81602 VERBOSE Starting libusb asynch thread…
81637 VERBOSE Trying to open endpoint 0x4 for control out (for old firmwares)…
81652 INFO Connected to USB device
85532 VERBOSE Getting hardware versions…
99366 INFO Hardware versions: FW=5.8.22 (14) HW=0 Chip=0 Sensor=0 SYS=12
111712 WARNING Received NACK: 2
111736 INFO Reading CMOS 0 supported presets…
112330 VERBOSE Requesting KeepAlive…
112583 VERBOSE Got KeepAlive Reply.
112597 VERBOSE Setting mode to 3…
114083 VERBOSE Requesting KeepAlive…
114369 VERBOSE Got KeepAlive Reply.
114659 VERBOSE Getting the fixed params…
114970 INFO Reading sensor serial number…
115250 VERBOSE Sensor serial number: 15120510013
115266 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x7 for resolution 0 and fps 0…
115575 INFO Reading sensor platform string…
115853 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ReferenceResolution was changed to 2.
115867 VERBOSE Reading all params from firmware…
116326 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ImageFormat (12) was changed to 5.
117955 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ImageQuality (16) was changed to 3.
118197 VERBOSE Property Firmware.DepthResolution (19) was changed to 1.
118771 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ImageSharpness (76) was changed to 32.
119575 VERBOSE Property Firmware.DepthHoleFilter (22) was changed to 1.
119980 VERBOSE Property Firmware.DepthWhiteBalance (45) was changed to 1.
120209 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ImageBacklightCompensation (79) was changed to 1.
121622 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ImageLowLightCompensation (82) was changed to 1.
122436 VERBOSE Property Firmware.DepthFPS (20) was changed to 30.
123052 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ImageAutoWhiteBalance (77) was changed to 1.
124408 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ImageAutoExposure (80) was changed to 1.
125015 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ImageFPS (14) was changed to 30.
125220 VERBOSE Property Firmware.DepthFormat (18) was changed to 3.
125826 VERBOSE Property Firmware.GMCMode (36) was changed to 1.
126074 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ImageGain (15) was changed to 100.
126695 VERBOSE Property Firmware.DepthGain (21) was changed to 42.
127331 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ImageColorTemperature (78) was changed to 5000.
127589 VERBOSE Firmware params were updated.
127623 INFO Property Device.PhysicalDeviceName was changed to ORBBEC ASTRA Pro.
127630 INFO Property Device.VendorData was changed to ASTRA Depth Sensor.
127634 INFO Property Device.ID was changed to 15120510013.
127639 INFO Property Device.SensorPlatformString was changed to RD106a-000.
127646 INFO Device sensor initialized
2016-01-19 10:44:32,786 INFO [] opened device: 2bc5/0403@20/28
2016-01-19 10:44:32,786 INFO [astra.plugins.Stream] creating a 2, 0
2016-01-19 10:44:32,786 INFO [astra.plugin_service] created stream – handle 0x10060f100 type: 2
2016-01-19 10:44:32,786 INFO [] creating oni stream of type: 2
128256 INFO Creating stream ‘Image’ of type ‘Image’…
128266 INFO Setting Device.ReadData to 1…
128388 VERBOSE Setting USB alternative interface to 0…
130415 VERBOSE Opening endpoints…
130426 VERBOSE Opening endpoint 0x81 for depth…
130436 VERBOSE Depth endpoint is bulk.
130440 VERBOSE Opening endpoint 0x82 for image…
130454 VERBOSE Image endpoint is bulk.
130465 VERBOSE Opening endpoint 0x83 for misc…
130474 VERBOSE Misc endpoint is not supported…
130478 INFO Endpoints open
130595 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x80 for resolution 0 and fps 0…
130940 INFO Property Device.ReadData was changed to 1.
130951 INFO Reading CMOS 0 supported presets…
131166 INFO Device.ReadData was successfully set.
131245 VERBOSE Initializing stream ‘Image’…
131259 INFO Property Image.Resolution was changed to QVGA.
131264 INFO Property Image.XRes was changed to 320.
131269 INFO Property Image.YRes was changed to 240.
131273 INFO Property Image.FPS was changed to 30.
131277 INFO Property Image.OutputFormat was changed to 200.
131281 INFO Property Image.BytesPerPixel was changed to 3.
131302 INFO Property Image.RequiredDataSize was changed to 230400.
168823 INFO Property Image.HorizontalFov was changed to 1.022600.
168834 INFO Property Image.VerticalFov was changed to 0.796616.
168848 INFO Property Image.SupportedModesCount was changed to 25.
168854 INFO Property Image.FirmwareMirror was changed to 1.
168859 INFO Property Image.Mirror was changed to 1.
168864 INFO Stream ‘Image’ was initialized.
168868 INFO ‘Image’ stream was created.
168872 VERBOSE Configuring module ‘Image’ from section ‘Image’ in file ‘/Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/Plugins/openni2/OpenNI2/Drivers/orbbec.ini’…
168971 INFO Setting Image.InputFormat to 5…
168985 INFO Property Image.InputFormat was changed to 5.
168989 INFO Image.InputFormat was successfully set.
169116 INFO Setting Image.Resolution to VGA…
169121 INFO Property Image.Resolution was changed to VGA.
169125 INFO Property Image.XRes was changed to 640.
169130 INFO Property Image.RequiredDataSize was changed to 460800.
169134 INFO Property Image.YRes was changed to 480.
169138 INFO Property Image.RequiredDataSize was changed to 921600.
169142 INFO Image.Resolution was successfully set.
169226 INFO Module ‘Image’ configuration was loaded from file.
2016-01-19 10:44:32,828 INFO [] created oni stream of type: 2
2016-01-19 10:44:32,828 INFO [] stream type 2 supports modes:
2016-01-19 10:44:32,828 INFO [] - w: 320 h: 240 fps: 30 pf: 200
2016-01-19 10:44:32,828 INFO [] - w: 320 h: 240 fps: 30 pf: 201
2016-01-19 10:44:32,828 INFO [] - w: 320 h: 240 fps: 30 pf: 205
2016-01-19 10:44:32,828 INFO [] - w: 320 h: 240 fps: 15 pf: 200
2016-01-19 10:44:32,828 INFO [] - w: 320 h: 240 fps: 15 pf: 201
2016-01-19 10:44:32,828 INFO [] - w: 320 h: 240 fps: 15 pf: 205
2016-01-19 10:44:32,828 INFO [] - w: 320 h: 240 fps: 60 pf: 200
2016-01-19 10:44:32,828 INFO [] - w: 320 h: 240 fps: 60 pf: 201
2016-01-19 10:44:32,828 INFO [] - w: 320 h: 240 fps: 60 pf: 205
2016-01-19 10:44:32,828 INFO [] - w: 640 h: 480 fps: 30 pf: 200
2016-01-19 10:44:32,828 INFO [] - w: 640 h: 480 fps: 30 pf: 201
2016-01-19 10:44:32,829 INFO [] - w: 640 h: 480 fps: 30 pf: 205
2016-01-19 10:44:32,829 INFO [] - w: 640 h: 480 fps: 15 pf: 200
2016-01-19 10:44:32,829 INFO [] - w: 640 h: 480 fps: 15 pf: 201
2016-01-19 10:44:32,829 INFO [] - w: 640 h: 480 fps: 15 pf: 205
2016-01-19 10:44:32,829 INFO [] - w: 1280 h: 1024 fps: 30 pf: 200
2016-01-19 10:44:32,829 INFO [] - w: 1280 h: 1024 fps: 30 pf: 202
2016-01-19 10:44:32,829 INFO [] - w: 1280 h: 1024 fps: 30 pf: 201
2016-01-19 10:44:32,829 INFO [] - w: 1280 h: 1024 fps: 30 pf: 205
2016-01-19 10:44:32,829 INFO [] - w: 1280 h: 720 fps: 30 pf: 200
2016-01-19 10:44:32,829 INFO [] - w: 1280 h: 720 fps: 30 pf: 202
2016-01-19 10:44:32,829 INFO [] - w: 1280 h: 960 fps: 30 pf: 200
2016-01-19 10:44:32,829 INFO [] - w: 1280 h: 960 fps: 30 pf: 202
2016-01-19 10:44:32,829 INFO [] bin swap: 640x480x3 len: 921600
2016-01-19 10:44:32,831 INFO [astra.plugin_service] creating bin – handle: 511860 stream: 60f100 type: 2 size: 921628
2016-01-19 10:44:32,831 INFO [astra.plugins.Stream] creating a 1, 0
2016-01-19 10:44:32,831 INFO [astra.plugin_service] created stream – handle 0x10032ab20 type: 1
2016-01-19 10:44:32,831 INFO [] creating oni stream of type: 1
172864 INFO Creating stream ‘Depth’ of type ‘Depth’…
173066 VERBOSE Initializing stream ‘Depth’…
173093 INFO Property Depth.OutputFormat was changed to 100.
173101 INFO Property Depth.BytesPerPixel was changed to 2.
173107 INFO Property Depth.RequiredDataSize was changed to 614400.
173144 INFO Property Depth.MaxDepth was changed to 65534.
173171 INFO Property Depth.SupportedModesCount was changed to 20.
173178 INFO Property Depth.Resolution was changed to QVGA.
173182 INFO Property Depth.XRes was changed to 320.
173186 INFO Property Depth.RequiredDataSize was changed to 307200.
173190 INFO Property Depth.YRes was changed to 240.
173194 INFO Property Depth.RequiredDataSize was changed to 153600.
173200 INFO Property Depth.FPS was changed to 30.
173207 INFO Property Depth.ParamCoeff was changed to 4.
173249 INFO Property Depth.ShiftScale was changed to 10.
173283 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x0 for resolution 1 and fps 30…
173616 INFO Property Depth.ConstShift was changed to 200.
173663 INFO Property Depth.ZPD was changed to 130.
173719 INFO Property Depth.ZPPS was changed to 0.113967.
173724 INFO Property Depth.LDDIS was changed to 7.500000.
173762 INFO Property Depth.DCRCDIS was changed to 2.630000.
173770 INFO Property Depth.HorizontalFov was changed to 1.022600.
173775 INFO Property Depth.VerticalFov was changed to 0.796616.
173791 INFO Property Depth.Gain was changed to 42.
173816 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x2 for resolution 4 and fps 30…
174121 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x2 for resolution 0 and fps 30…
174355 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x2 for resolution 1 and fps 30…
174606 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x3 for resolution 4 and fps 30…
174835 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x3 for resolution 0 and fps 30…
175139 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x3 for resolution 1 and fps 30…
181393 INFO Property Depth.FirmwareMirror was changed to 1.
181412 INFO Property Depth.Mirror was changed to 1.
181418 INFO Stream ‘Depth’ was initialized.
181423 INFO ‘Depth’ stream was created.
181429 VERBOSE Configuring module ‘Depth’ from section ‘Depth’ in file ‘/Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/Plugins/openni2/OpenNI2/Drivers/orbbec.ini’…
181485 INFO Setting Depth.InputFormat to 3…
181491 INFO Depth.InputFormat value did not change.
181754 INFO Setting Depth.Resolution to VGA…
181760 INFO Property Depth.Resolution was changed to VGA.
181765 INFO Property Depth.XRes was changed to 640.
181769 INFO Property Depth.RequiredDataSize was changed to 307200.
181773 INFO Property Depth.YRes was changed to 480.
181777 INFO Property Depth.RequiredDataSize was changed to 614400.
181782 INFO Depth.Resolution was successfully set.
181909 INFO Module ‘Depth’ configuration was loaded from file.
2016-01-19 10:44:32,840 INFO [] created oni stream of type: 1
2016-01-19 10:44:32,840 INFO [] stream type 1 supports modes:
2016-01-19 10:44:32,840 INFO [] - w: 320 h: 240 fps: 30 pf: 100
2016-01-19 10:44:32,867 INFO [] - w: 320 h: 240 fps: 30 pf: 101
2016-01-19 10:44:32,867 INFO [] - w: 320 h: 240 fps: 60 pf: 100
2016-01-19 10:44:32,867 INFO [] - w: 320 h: 240 fps: 60 pf: 101
2016-01-19 10:44:32,867 INFO [] - w: 640 h: 480 fps: 30 pf: 100
2016-01-19 10:44:32,867 INFO [] - w: 640 h: 480 fps: 30 pf: 101
2016-01-19 10:44:32,867 INFO [] - w: 1280 h: 1024 fps: 5 pf: 100
2016-01-19 10:44:32,867 INFO [] - w: 1280 h: 1024 fps: 5 pf: 101
2016-01-19 10:44:32,867 INFO [] - w: 160 h: 120 fps: 30 pf: 100
2016-01-19 10:44:32,867 INFO [] - w: 160 h: 120 fps: 30 pf: 101
2016-01-19 10:44:32,867 INFO [] bin swap: 640x480x2 len: 614400
2016-01-19 10:44:32,868 INFO [astra.plugin_service] creating bin – handle: 60fc30 stream: 32ab20 type: 1 size: 614428
2016-01-19 10:44:32,869 INFO [astra.plugins.Stream] creating a 3, 0
2016-01-19 10:44:32,869 INFO [astra.plugin_service] created stream – handle 0x100514d60 type: 3
2016-01-19 10:44:32,869 INFO [] creating oni stream of type: 3
210534 INFO Creating stream ‘IR’ of type ‘IR’…
210627 VERBOSE Initializing stream ‘IR’…
210645 INFO Property IR.Resolution was changed to QVGA.
210651 INFO Property IR.XRes was changed to 320.
210656 INFO Property IR.YRes was changed to 240.
210660 INFO Property IR.FPS was changed to 30.
210683 INFO Property IR.OutputFormat was changed to 203.
210709 INFO Property IR.BytesPerPixel was changed to 2.
210725 INFO Property IR.RequiredDataSize was changed to 158720.
210739 INFO Property IR.SupportedModesCount was changed to 4.
210747 INFO Property IR.Mirror was changed to 1.
210754 INFO Stream ‘IR’ was initialized.
210759 INFO ‘IR’ stream was created.
210763 VERBOSE Configuring module ‘IR’ from section ‘IR’ in file ‘/Users/crysalys/DNBKR/AVC/DEV/AstraSDK-0.4.0-20151014T193346Z-osx-x64/lib/Plugins/openni2/OpenNI2/Drivers/orbbec.ini’…
211111 INFO Module ‘IR’ configuration was loaded from file.
2016-01-19 10:44:32,869 INFO [] created oni stream of type: 3
2016-01-19 10:44:32,869 INFO [] stream type 3 supports modes:
2016-01-19 10:44:32,870 INFO [] - w: 320 h: 240 fps: 30 pf: 203
2016-01-19 10:44:32,870 INFO [] - w: 320 h: 240 fps: 30 pf: 200
2016-01-19 10:44:32,870 INFO [] - w: 320 h: 240 fps: 60 pf: 203
2016-01-19 10:44:32,870 INFO [] - w: 320 h: 240 fps: 60 pf: 200
2016-01-19 10:44:32,870 INFO [] - w: 640 h: 480 fps: 30 pf: 203
2016-01-19 10:44:32,870 INFO [] - w: 640 h: 480 fps: 30 pf: 200
2016-01-19 10:44:32,870 INFO [] - w: 1280 h: 1024 fps: 30 pf: 203
2016-01-19 10:44:32,870 INFO [] - w: 1280 h: 1024 fps: 30 pf: 200
2016-01-19 10:44:32,870 INFO [] bin swap: 320x240x2 len: 153600
2016-01-19 10:44:32,870 INFO [astra.plugin_service] creating bin – handle: 514ea0 stream: 514d60 type: 3 size: 153628
2016-01-19 10:44:32,871 INFO [] Initialized OpenNI v2.3.0.15
2016-01-19 10:44:32,877 INFO [context] client opening streamset: device/sensor0
2016-01-19 10:44:32,877 INFO [astra.streamset] connecting to (1,0) on device/sensor0
2016-01-19 10:44:32,877 INFO [astra.plugins.Stream] adding connection
2016-01-19 10:44:32,877 INFO [astra.plugin_service] linking connection to bin – stream: 32ab20 type: 1 conn: 32b068 bin: 60fc30
2016-01-19 10:44:32,878 INFO [HandTracker] creating hand streams
2016-01-19 10:44:32,878 INFO [astra.plugins.Stream] creating a 4, 0
2016-01-19 10:44:32,878 INFO [astra.plugin_service] created stream – handle 0x10032aff0 type: 4
2016-01-19 10:44:32,878 INFO [astra.plugin_service] creating bin – handle: 32adc0 stream: 32aff0 type: 4 size: 448
2016-01-19 10:44:32,878 INFO [astra.plugins.Stream] creating a 3001, 0
2016-01-19 10:44:32,878 INFO [astra.plugin_service] created stream – handle 0x10032b750 type: 3001
2016-01-19 10:44:32,878 INFO [astra.plugin_service] creating bin – handle: 32b7a0 stream: 32b750 type: 3001 size: 57656
2016-01-19 10:44:32,878 INFO [] turn on stream 1
2016-01-19 10:44:32,879 INFO [] starting oni stream of type: 1
220306 VERBOSE FW Stream Depth was claimed by Depth
220316 VERBOSE Creating USB depth read thread…
220321 VERBOSE Starting a USB read thread…
220495 INFO USB read thread was started.
220504 INFO Property Depth.ActualReadData was changed to 1.
220510 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.DepthFormat (18) to 3…
220795 VERBOSE Firmware.DepthFormat (18) was successfully set.
220813 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.DepthResolution (19) to 1…
254779 VERBOSE Firmware.DepthResolution (19) was successfully set.
254792 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.DepthFPS (20) to 30…
255085 VERBOSE Firmware.DepthFPS (20) was successfully set.
255099 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.DepthHoleFilter (22) to 1…
255357 VERBOSE Firmware.DepthHoleFilter (22) was successfully set.
255369 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.DepthGain (21) to 42…
255703 VERBOSE Firmware.DepthGain (21) was successfully set.
255716 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.DepthDecimation (24) to 0…
255997 VERBOSE Firmware.DepthDecimation (24) was successfully set.
256009 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.Registration (2) to 0…
256241 VERBOSE Firmware.Registration (2) was successfully set.
256255 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.DepthMirror (23) to 1…
256627 VERBOSE Property Firmware.DepthMirror (23) was changed to 1.
256638 VERBOSE Firmware.DepthMirror (23) was successfully set.
256643 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.GMCMode (36) to 1…
256945 VERBOSE Firmware.GMCMode (36) was successfully set.
256956 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.GMCDebug (61) to 0…
257230 VERBOSE Firmware.GMCDebug (61) was successfully set.
257240 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.WavelengthCorrection (73) to 0…
257444 VERBOSE Firmware.WavelengthCorrection (73) was successfully set.
257452 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.WavelengthCorrectionDebug (74) to 0…
257767 VERBOSE Firmware.WavelengthCorrectionDebug (74) was successfully set.
257779 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.DepthWhiteBalance (45) to 1…
258005 VERBOSE Firmware.DepthWhiteBalance (45) was successfully set.
258018 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x6 for resolution 1 and fps 30…
258322 VERBOSE Firmware stream ‘Depth’ processor was replaced.
258335 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x80 for resolution 0 and fps 0…
258545 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.Stream1Mode (6) to 2…
260762 VERBOSE Property Firmware.Stream1Mode (6) was changed to 2.
260785 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.FrameSync (1) to 0…
261021 VERBOSE Firmware.FrameSync (1) was successfully set.
261032 VERBOSE Firmware.Stream1Mode (6) was successfully set.
261040 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.CloseRange (84) to 0…
261327 VERBOSE Firmware.CloseRange (84) was successfully set.
261338 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.DepthCropEnabled (55) to 0…
261598 VERBOSE Firmware.DepthCropEnabled (55) was successfully set.
261611 INFO Property Depth.State was changed to 1.
2016-01-19 10:44:32,920 INFO [] started oni stream of type: 1
2016-01-19 10:44:32,920 INFO [] adding stream type 1 to active streams
2016-01-19 10:44:32,920 INFO [astra.streamset] connecting to (7,0) on device/sensor0
2016-01-19 10:44:32,924 INFO [astra.plugins.xs.XSPlugin] Initializing XS plugin
2016-01-19 10:44:32,924 INFO [astra.plugins.xs.XSPlugin] creating point processor
2016-01-19 10:44:32,924 INFO [context] client opening streamset: device/sensor0
2016-01-19 10:44:32,924 INFO [astra.streamset] connecting to (1,0) on device/sensor0
2016-01-19 10:44:32,924 INFO [astra.plugins.Stream] adding connection
2016-01-19 10:44:32,924 INFO [astra.plugin_service] linking connection to bin – stream: 32ab20 type: 1 conn: 611168 bin: 60fc30
2016-01-19 10:44:32,925 INFO [] turn on stream 1
2016-01-19 10:44:33,071 INFO [context] client opening streamset: device/default
2016-01-19 10:44:33,071 INFO [streamset_catalog] default uri provided.
2016-01-19 10:44:33,071 INFO [astra.streamset] connecting to (7,0) on device/sensor0
2016-01-19 10:44:33,071 INFO [astra.streamset] connecting to (1,0) on device/sensor0
2016-01-19 10:44:33,071 INFO [astra.plugins.Stream] adding connection
2016-01-19 10:44:33,071 INFO [astra.plugin_service] linking connection to bin – stream: 32ab20 type: 1 conn: 45f468 bin: 60fc30
2016-01-19 10:44:33,072 INFO [] turn on stream 1
Failed to load font “Inconsolata.otf” (failed to create the font face)
2016-01-19 10:44:33,072 INFO [PointProcessor] creating point stream
2016-01-19 10:44:33,072 INFO [astra.plugins.Stream] creating a 7, 0
2016-01-19 10:44:33,072 INFO [astra.plugin_service] created stream – handle 0x100517ec0 type: 7
2016-01-19 10:44:33,077 INFO [astra.plugin_service] creating bin – handle: 4641d0 stream: 517ec0 type: 7 size: 3686456
2016-01-19 10:44:33,078 INFO [astra.plugins.Stream] adding connection
2016-01-19 10:44:33,078 INFO [astra.plugin_service] linking connection to bin – stream: 517ec0 type: 7 conn: 517f78 bin: 4641d0
2016-01-19 10:44:33,137 INFO [astra.plugins.Stream] adding connection
2016-01-19 10:44:33,137 INFO [astra.plugin_service] linking connection to bin – stream: 517ec0 type: 7 conn: 45f338 bin: 4641d0
2016-01-19 10:44:33,137 INFO [PointProcessor] created point stream
67.7 fps (73.84 ms)
30.3 fps (105.70 ms)
19.4 fps (126.48 ms)
18.3 fps (66.94 ms)
17.3 fps (70.05 ms)
16.8 fps (67.08 ms)
16.4 fps (66.89 ms)
1010495 VERBOSE [FPS] Color: 0.00 Depth: 0.00 IR: 0.00
15.9 fps (69.17 ms)
15.7 fps (68.11 ms)

Thanks for the help!

I have found the Pro color stream can be picky about the USB port it is plugged into when using it just as a webcam, might try finding a port it works well in as a webcam first.