Orbbec Astra 2 with ROS 2

I am looking to run 3 Astra 2 cameras at the same time synchronised, using the sync hub dev, daisy chain. I am looking for some advise regarding the launch file.

I am basing the launch off multi_camera_synced.launch.py and updating the launch parameters eg:

    front_camera = IncludeLaunchDescription(
            os.path.join(launch_file_dir, 'gemini_330_series.launch.py')
            'camera_name': 'front_camera',
            'usb_port': '2-1.1',
            'device_num': '4',
            'sync_mode': 'software_triggering',
            'config_file_path': config_file_path,

For sync_mode which is the correct selection for my setup? Also within launch parameters if I wish to change the depth_width and depth_height should I be adding to this file or editing the default values in astra2.launch.py.

You should change gemini_330_series.launch.py to astra2.lauch.py and set the resolutions you preferred there.