Orbbec Astra Color Image


I have compiled ros_astra_camera and ros_astra_launch from Orbbec · GitHub.

When running
$ roslaunch astra_launch astra.launch
the depth stream works, but the rgb stream does not.

The OS is Ubuntu 14.04 on Jetson TK1.

Do I miss something here? Thanks for any help!

Here are more tests on my system:

$ rosrun astra_camera astra_list_devices
[ INFO] [1463738191.678839767]: Device “2bc5/0401@2/4” found.
Found 1 devices:
Device #0:
Uri: 2bc5/0401@2/4 (Vendor: Orbbec, Name: Astra, Vendor ID: 2bc5, Product ID: 401)
Warning: USB events thread - failed to set priority. This might cause loss of data…
Serial number: 15102210115

$ rosrun astra_camera astra_test_wrapper
[ INFO] [1463739063.218031501]: Device “2bc5/0401@2/4” found.
Uri: 2bc5/0401@2/4 (Vendor: Orbbec, Name: Astra, Vendor ID: 11205, Product ID: 1025)
Warning: USB events thread - failed to set priority. This might cause loss of data…
Device info (2bc5/0401@2/4)
Vendor: Orbbec
Name: Astra
USB Vendor ID: 11205
USB Product ID: 11205
IR sensor video modes:

  • Resolution: 320x240@30Hz Format: Gray16
  • Resolution: 1280x1024@30Hz Format: RGB888
    Color sensor video modes:
  • Resolution: 320x240@30Hz Format: RGB888
  • Resolution: 1280x960@30Hz Format: Gray8
    Depth sensor video modes:
  • Resolution: 320x240@30Hz Format: Depth 1mm
  • Resolution: 160x120@30Hz Format: Depth 100um
    Number of called to IRCallback: 0
    Number of called to ColorCallback: 0
    Number of called to DepthCallback: 54