I apologize for not releasing the code earlier. Some of our customers reported that they have difficulty accessing the RGB stream of our Astra Pro cameras.
Sorry for my question, but i have to extract the ObViewer folder only inside the AstraSDK folder or i have to write over the files in the bin folder and its sub folders?
@David I guess he might need to compile it on his own as there is no .exe. This means to set all paths/files in his linker inputs and compiler options…
I tried to compile it without any chance as the device could not be open properly. Indeed, it goes into this loop at all time :
rc = device.open(deviceURI);
if (rc != openni::STATUS_OK)
printf(“SimpleViewer: Device open failed:\n%s\n”, openni::OpenNI::getExtendedError());
return 1;
The error you post seems to be a failure when opening the device. I am not sure if all the compiling configuration is correct. The purpose of the sample code is to help developers develop their own viewer. I will post a compiled version shortly.