Orbbec Body Tracking SDK detects the person shadow


How to prevent person shadow being picked up as another person?

Please advice.

Thank you

There are currently no controls over how the tracker works - about all you can do is process each body and reject the bodies that are occluded or have low tracking confidence from your output lists.


Hi Westa,

Thank you for that.

That is what I did with Kinect by getting the Joint list then checking the confidence level of each joint and counting total number of joints for a tracked body .
Then depending total number of joints tracked decide if a body tracked useful for further processing.
I tired mimic same thing but I was not getting anywhere.

Here what I did with Kinect;
Joint joint[JointType::JointType_Count];
hResult = pBody[count]->GetJoints(JointType::JointType_Count, joint);
if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
body_flg = true;
int JT = NumberOfTrackedJoints(joint, 25);


int NumberOfTrackedJoints(Joint joints[], int sz)
int trackedJoints = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)

	if (joints[i].TrackingState == 2)

return trackedJoints;


If you could guide me do the same it will be good.

Thanks once again.

Hello johanromuald,
I’m trying to track skeleton but without any result. Is it possible for you provide a link or code?

I’m using Ubuntu 16.04, C++, Orbbec Astra Pro sensor.


Hi ,

What is your email address? I will email you the project as ZIP.


Hi Johan!

I would like to use the skeleton tracking SDK with my Persee Orbbec (running Android).
Could you send me the code (consuelo.granata@gmail.com) or the link for downloading please?

Thanks a lot!

HI Consuelo,

I have emailed the code but it is written in C++ for Windows 32 bit.

Best regards


Thanks for quick reply.

here is my mail id :- prasanna.routray97@gmail.com


Hi Prasanna,

I emailed the code to you.

Best regards

Hi johanromuald
Could you please email me the code also?
My email is red1hhh@gmail.com


Hi RogelioHIT,

Sorry, I could not trace email I send to prasanna.routray97@gmail.com to find the code.

You may ask him.