Orbbec Persee with SDK 2.0

Hello. I’m trying to figure out how to use Persee with new SDK 2.0

Currently i have Persee with installed Ubuntu 16.04. Is there a way to connect Persee to my laptop via USB and use it as external camera with new SDK?

Or i need flash Android and then i can connect to laptop via USB and use new SDK? Or if i will flash Android i will be restricted to use only Android version of SDK?

Unfortunately i couldn’t find any information related to this. Ideally it would be great to connect Persse as external camera and develop in Visual Studio.

They just put the Android 2.0 beta SDK online available from the develop page: http://dl.orbbec3d.com/dist/astra/v2.0.7-beta/astra-android-release-v2.0.7-beta-d7a48b40ed.aar

As Persee with Ubuntu, I don’t think it works with the current linux SDK, since it is intel only.

I don’t have experience with using Persee as a camera with a computer, but I don’t think it would work. It is a standalone computer, it should work in itself.