Recording from multiple cameras

Is there a way of recording a single .bag file with multiple cameras in the python wrapper?

I have an implementation written for saving individual images but would like to process the .bag rather than those.

Hello! Im also asking a similar question! Are you saying that you already have a python implementation to turn a .bag file into an image sequence of the color images / depth / point clouds all at once?

If so could you please share your code? Im trying to do the exact same thing right now with 3 cameras (all at once would be great but one at a time is better than nothing)

I do not have that yet. Sorry to clarify my question how do you output .bag with all 3 synchronised cameras color and depth images. (Again either all at once or seperatly).

Do you have python code to achieve this?

As for your question specifically I have looked at rospy which I run into some issues with and have decided to install ROS2 on wsl see if I can facilitate this in another way (I may end up using ros2 for the control as well but with speed in mind I am using the python wrapper). From rospy I end up with a uint64_t error when trying to read image streams from the bag file. I think this is related to the timestamp, but I also foresee some issues with the compression formats of the images themselves. I have not got that far into my dev process yet.