I’m attempting to access the RGB feed of the Orbbec Astra camera on Ubuntu 22.04. However, when following the tutorial [link: OpenCV: Using Orbbec Astra 3D cameras], the camera does not connect to /dev/video0 as expected. It appears that the Astra camera is not being recognized as a webcam.
I am able to connect to the depth sensor using cv2.VideoCapture(CAP_OPENNI2_ASTRA)
. However, when I attempt to use cv2.VideoCapture(0, CAP_V4L2)
I get the following error:
[ WARN:0@0.005] global cap_v4l.cpp:997 open VIDEOIO(V4L2:/dev/video0): can't open camera by index [ WARN:0@0.005] global cap.cpp:342 open VIDEOIO(V4L2): backend is generally available but can't be used to capture by index
I do need the RGB image as well for a project that I’m working on, so any advice on getting it working would be greatly appreciated.