Using the Point Cloud Libray with the Astra Pro

I recently acquired the AStra Pro, usually I do my work using the tools available in the Point cloud Library from but the problem is that this library is for (so far I understand) visual studio 2010.

In the requirements for working with the SDK of the Astra I see VS 2013 is required…

Sorry but I´m really confused about this, does that means that I can not use both together? is there another way to get the measurements from the sensor without using VS 2013 or the Astra SDK?

Thanks for any help!

Currently, our SDK has two available APIs: C++11 and C

The C++11 support found in Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012 is too incomplete to work with our SDK, but our pure C API will work fine under Visual Studio 2010 and 2012.

PCL only distributes binary versions compatible with VS2010, but you can compile it yourself using VS2012 all the way up through VS2015. Tsukasa Sugiura provides helpful building guides in Japanese, but Google Translate does a decent job of translation. If the idea of compiling PCL and all of it’s dependencies isn’t exciting you (frankly, it scares me :smile:), Sugiura-san additionally has pre-built binaries for VS2012/VS2013/VS2015 available on his website

If you aren’t attached to VS2010 for other reasons, VS2013-VS2015 Community editions may be acquired for free from the Microsoft website. If you are stuck using VS2010, the C API, though slightly more verbose, is still very usable. See the C samples included in the SDK release. Additionally, you will need to install the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013

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wow Thanks for the reply Gordon now I have better understanding, I have to think if I stay with VS2010 or if I try using the precompiled versions of plc that you posted, I will write later how everything works!
