Build Astra SDK under linux

Hello guys,

has someone successfully built Astra SDK under Linux? I need the hand tracking functionality under Linux and I pulled the sdk source from git, trying to build it under Linux Ubuntu. However, there is no instructions about building the SDK under Linux and i ran into some errors. So does anyone has the experience here? Thanks in advance!


Not much help but would like to say I’m running into similar problem into building SDK under Linux…

All the problems seem to be focused on the third party tool ‘Shiny’. Has anyone succesfully build the Shiny profiler under Linux? I haven’t find a Linux version of this tool.


Today I successfully compiled the SDK under Linux and now the hand tracking I need works perfect! The key here is to build the Shiny profiler. I pulled from here and it succeeded!

The future plan is to build the SDK under Embedded Linux with an ARM architecture. Perhapts I could put on a summary later on.




Sorry you had such trouble with Shiny. We plan on removing or at least making the linkage optional based on compilation options very soon. We use Shiny to do profiling on Android platforms, and is strictly unnecessary for production usage. Additionally, we are migrating from a private git repo to github and the Shiny submodule is unfortunately still on the private host. I will work to migrate that to our public repo, but it will appear in the develop branch, which is significantly different (and better!) than the current HEAD of master on github.


Looking forward to the summary! Especially for the one under ARM :smiley:

I have successfully built it under Linux x64, posting my steps here. I didn’t start from a clean ubuntu environment so I might have missed some. Let me know and I will make edits.

sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler clisp-dev libprotobuf-dev libsfml-dev
export OPENNI2_INCLUDE=~/OpenNI-Linux-x64-2.2/Include/

//Edit astra/.gitmodule to if you are on the master branch
git submodule init
git submodule update

then cmake and make will build properly


@zhumxcq Thanks for the help on instructions there. We will be fixing the submodule URLs with your pull request for the next release.

Looking forward to the next release. I’m just the messenger, I just happen to browse through that pull request haha.

I cloned the SDK from the git repository. I have followed the steps above to build the shiny profiler and the steps for the gitmodules above as well. How do I correct this cmake error:

CMake Error at vendor/CMakeLists.txt:1 (add_subdirectory):
The source directory


does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file.

Trying to install in Ubuntu 14.04

I am running cmake . from the astra directory

cmake problem solved. Today I found this forum post that did the trick: Astra cmake errors

What worked for me on Ubuntu 14.04 was following zhumxcq’s post above:

sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler clisp-dev libprotobuf-dev libsfml-dev
export OPENNI2_INCLUDE=~/OpenNI-Linux-x64-2.2/Include/

//Edit astra/.gitmodule to if you are on the master branch

and then running the commands Jesse provided at Astra cmake errors which were it submodule update --init --recursive

Thanks everyone for your posts. cmake works and I’ve moved on to the make step, where I’ve got to deal with those errors next.

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