Full OpenNI 2 Environment Download

Hello, everyone,

This post includes useful download links for Astra users:

Sensor Driver (Updated 5/16/2016 to V4.4):
Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life
Note: Orbbec Astra/Astra S/Astra Pro driver

Installation Guide:
Note: Video guide on how to install the sensor on your computer (Windows 10)

Full OpenNI 2 Environment
Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life (Windows, Linux, Android, Raspbian)

Orbbec Viewer
Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life
Note: Depth viewer to help you review depth quality quickly.

Orbbec Sensor has good compability with OpenNI. If you already have product based on OpenNI SDK, you can easy switch to use orbbec sensors.


Thanks for the link for the OpenNI downloads!

Couple of questions:

  1. Is there a reason why these aren’t linked from the Develop page, or just included in the SDK bundles?
  2. Will we see OSX OpenNI support?

Thank you

Hi Elliot,

I’m a huge fan of your work!

I’m going to try to answer your questions in one pass instead of two (and it hopefully all makes sense by the end):

An OSX openni driver can be found in the OSX sdk download (it is liborbbec.dylib).

Copying this and the ini file to the Drivers folder of your openni 2 install should allow you to run astra with OpenNI2.


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Is there a newer version of the OpenNI2 driver than the linked sensordriver-

There are some issues with the current version, such as:

  • Wrong timestamp of the depth frames (factor 0.6 compared to actual time)
  • High CPU usage compared to the Primesense OpenNI2 driver

Is there source code somewhere to build OpenNI2/Drivers/libORBBEC.so myself, e.g., for 32bit arm-gnueabihf?

Following on arne.jacobs comment, I’m also interested in whether the source code to build the driver (libORBBEC.so) is available. On an Odroid-XU4 with Ubuntu just viewing the depth stream uses ~30% of the CPU power, which is certainly less than ideal.

I’m assuming the driver must need to do significantly more work on the CPU side to obtain depth measurements as compared to say the original Kinect? Can whatever work is being done by the driver be easily moved to a GPU using OpenCL? If you are working on this, what is the expected time frame?

Thank you!

+1 on the comments of @robot_guy and @arne.jacobs

@robot_guy,@arne.jacobs Sorry for the late reply. Just get confirmation from my SW engineering team, they are still doing some work on the driver so they cannot open source it right now. Please keep an eye on our news release.

Regarding the CPU consumption, a quick benchmark has been performed by my engineers. We found that under Ubuntu 14 (Persee Development Board), the Primesense sensor consumes about 30.4% CPU running Simpleread. Orbbec Astra consumes about 31.1% running the same program. We will keep testing and working on this.

BTW, wrong timestamp issue has been reported to the team. Will follow up as soon as I get feedback.

Appreciate for sharing your test results.

Best wishes,

Has there been an update? All these Dropbox links are dead.

They are now fixed and updated :slightly_smiling:

I’m using the Linux OpenNI version available from the download page but I’m still seeing delays of up to 0.6 seconds in the timestamps. Has there been an update on this?

Im trying to download but all Dropbox links are dead

Links are now fixed.

@David Are you in the possibility to provide an OpenNI2 library optimized for the Odroid C2?

Hey @David,

as far as I could tell the Orbbec driver (libORBBEC.so) is still not open sourced.

Any timeline for this?

I think the driver could use some performance optimization (as well as the Primesense driver) for the image streaming or rather the YUV to RGB conversion. But there is no way to do this if it is still closed.


Does anyone still have a valid link to the Orbbec Viewer?

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The links are not working anymore? Do you have an updated path for the link?

Hi everyone, @David,

Are there new links available for these downloads yet? We’re having some trouble with the astra sdk samples (they build, but we only get a black screen). Will write a more detailed post later.



Please download the up-to-date OpenNI 2 Environment from Orbbec official website below.

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