ASTRA S Firmware verification and update

I got an ASTRA s (lsusb output: 2bc5:0402) and want to check/upgrade the firmware version.
I tried the update tool from your ROS node which delivers the following error message: flashfw: firmware and the device do not match, aborting flashing
What does it mean and how do I get a more verbose output of the actual hardware and firmware version.
Furthermore, the link to the update tool which you offer in the following thread is offline RGB-D Sync Project

Hi tik0,

Our current cameras have the RGB-D sync feature built-in by default. Please do not use incompatible firmware or downgrade the firmware to an earlier version, which may increase the risk of damaging your camera permanently.


Hi Jackson,

I purchased the camera in January last year.
So there might be the possibility of having an old firmware.
I have also the line artifact in my depth images which is discussed in some threads here.

Anyway: How do I check the firmware version?


Hi Timo,

Thanks for your information. You can download the “Camera Control: All-in-One Sample Code” from the topic here to check the firmware version of the camera.


There are script in the ROS package for the Astra and Astra S here

The installations instructions are

about firmware upgrade
1, only for Astra and Astra S. /*important/
2, run on x86, x64, arm, arm64 platform, and depend on
zip/unzip, awk, tail, md5sum

I’m just not sure what to do with it. So we just execute the binary on the system with the camera and thats it?

I executed it, but didnt get any feedback or anything.

I ordered the Astra S in October 2016. What are the odds that the camera runs a firmware which supports hw rgb-d synchronization?

Hi Miller,

that’s the same problem I have: To get some verbose output out of this program.
Unfortunately, the guys here don’t give any serious support regarding this.
As said in my post, I bought my Astra S in January 2016 and just get an un-informative error out of the tool.
